Solidarity Cubans hand over a new home to a family with three children who have been sleeping in Holguín Gardens

Solidarity Cubans hand over a new home to a family with three children who have been sleeping in Holguín Gardens

The solidarity of dozens of Cubans made it possible to realize A A family with three young children sleep in parks in Holguin: This Thursday They got a new house to live in.

Complaints from citizens and activists in the eastern city exposed the horrific story of this family, consisting of two adults and their three young children – two girls and a boy – who spent their night in the streets, in full view of everyone. Inaction and negligence of the authorities.

the Solidarity Hundreds of Cubans, residing inside and outside the country, allowed the family to buy a house, based on a campaign led by activists and members of civil society, including Yancita Holguín and La Sultana of Cuba, who broadcast live on Facebook to show the happy time of the handover.

“Welcome home!”, neighbors and other people who welcomed the family into their new home, equipped with the simplest things to start their new life, shouted in unison.

Mom and Dad were excited, but happiest were the children who entered the rooms and other areas of the house amazed and delighted by the amenities they would now be able to enjoy.

“It’s beautiful,” exclaimed the smiling older girl, who could not hide her happiness and was jumping for joy.

In barely four days Fundraising campaign Dozens of people, including the artist I am you– This is what made the Holguin family’s happiness possible.

Capture Facebook / Yotuel

The issue came to the fore due to an anonymous complaint in a Facebook group, where a network user stated that the parents suffered from alcohol addiction problems.

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The anonymous user, who said that he did not know the parents, confirmed that they were complaining about their situation “but they spend money on rum,” and expressed his regret that the young ones were in such a state of helplessness, and pointed out the ineffectiveness in this case of the “new family law,” the post indicated. By activist Diasniorca Salcedo Verdesia.

The post that Salcido also referred to asked: “Where are the authorities?” Where are those responsible for ensuring children’s rights and well-being? Where do the laws apply here?

But the activist warned that this is just the complainant’s copy only, and the data must be verified, in addition to the presence of the family’s counterpart.

But it was enough to galvanize a crowd of supportive people who began collecting food and money for the family, and fundraising began to get a home for the five of them.

In the rapper’s post Unconventional He confirmed that the governorate’s Urban Planning Directorate destroyed the house in which they were living, and that is why they were sleeping in the street. Additionally, he shared photos of the poor wooden hut that served as a roof for the parents and their children.

Capture Facebook / El Funky

Aygen Marsh

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