Stephen Curry, King of the Big Three

Stephen Curry, King of the Big Three

Wardell Stephen Curry II He was the best sniper in history before this game at Madison Square Garden, In Mecca of basketball, In Manhattan. He was already the father of the revolution that transformed the NBA (and its full sport: basketball) in the last decade. But still No longer, he also has the distinction of being the player to score the most triples in NBA history.. Like the script, Curry was waiting for Madison Mecca. The game is one of the largest media sounding boards in the world. There, in the league’s 75th year, in the center of Manhattan and against the old Knicks, after Ray Allen surpassed 2,973, he became the player to score the most triples, the reign of which lasted a decade: he advanced in February. 2011’s, Celtic-Lakers, Reggie Miller.

He came only one short (2,972) to the path Steff became Steff: This is February 27, 2013, it is not yet Supernova Since then he has been and is most famous for his ability to dilute between permanent ankle injuries. In Madison Carrie he scored 11 triples with 54 points and 11/13. He is 24 years and 350 years old. From there to this December 14, 2021 33 years 275 days. There are very few ankle problems and as many as three modes between two games. Until you get ahead of everyone, first. And there were, of course, A Bite in Basketball History: Three rings, two MVPs (first unanimously), seven all-stars, two NBA top scorer titles …

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Stephen Curry, Son of Del Carrie, another famous sniper, Madison went out In a hurry Y He did what he needed to do three times in five minutes. The record was already there. First he hit a front shot after Fending, and then, after a foul, he released the ball as quickly as he could after receiving help from Andrew Wiggins. From behind, the missile flew, His triple 2.974, already Ray Allen, crossed the path to hug him. And Reggie Miller, who was part of the television crew TNT And recorded them on his mobile. Together, the trio assembled on a prestigious stage in Madison, the mother of all levels. Pure Mystery, Pure NBA.

Numbers are high: Ray Allen has 2,973 3-points in 1,300 games and has scored over 46,000 minutes on the court. In any season for nearly two decades, he has not missed more than 40 games. He averaged 2.3 and took 5.7 pitches a night with 40% accuracy. And his hat in one season 269. Miller, The The killer The same Madison hated him so much that he scored 2,560 runs in 1,304 games. The average is 1.8 / 4.7 and 39.5% correct. Behind them both are James Horton (2,509 in 903 games) and Kyle Gorver (2,450 in 1,326). Curry has reached 789 games, 511 less than Allen. In the last five years (4.4 per night) he has reached 1,300 Allen games with an alien average of 5,200 triples. Throughout his career, Carrie scored 3.8 out of 8.7 he would take on each game. His average is over 43%, having been just under 40 in the five games he played in 2019-20. More than three times a night it goes into its fourth season. It is now 5.4, Slightly ahead of his particular record (5.3, last season). He is the only player (402) to score more than 400 triples in a regular season.

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Curry, because these official records only take regular phase data, Including the playoffs, he also holds the absolute record of scoring 470 triples. He has only one thing left Last allotment, A finalist: All 14 men in a match are his teammate Clay Thompson, certainly the second best shooter. The curry has gone 13 times, 12 times, 11 times ten times. When he scored those 11 runs at Madison, in fact, the record was at 12 (Kobe Bryant and Donal Marshall). Those 14 will fall and, of course, will be defeated by an impossible player who will do things that no one has ever imagined before. Wardell Stephen Curry II. The player with the most triples in history, the best shooter.

Arzu Daniel

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