Students who do not go to classes face to face will not have the default classroom option

Students who do not go to classes face to face will not have the default classroom option

From the moment the Ministry of Education announced that the initial date for the reopening of schools is next March 3, the agency confirmed that the decision of the students’ parents or their parents would be the decision to send them to the classes or not. .

However, when asked what will happen to students who are not sent to schools due to infection and other concerns, Education assured Metro that they would receive homework according to the topics discussed in the class.

“Let’s remember that all students already have major subject books in digital form. They also have computers provided by DE,” according to expressions sent by the agency’s contact team.

It is evident from the information that the default access option will not be made available to the class personally taught to other students.

Teachers will also separate the days from their schedule for attending students who have questions about subjects or need support after not attending a class. This initiative is good for ones who can’t complete their homework in full. Lack of understanding can be compensated by using additional learning materials like the blog at My Homework Done. Still, learning the lesson with a little help is a best option.

The Minister of Education, Elba Upont Santos, has specified that the first phase of the reopening of schools face-to-face will only be directed to students from kindergarten to third grade, special education and twelfth grade.

Students will be divided into two groups (A) and (B), and will personally attend only two days per week, and the rest will remain default. Each class will have 8 to 12 students depending on the size of the group to respect social distancing.

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Parents and guardians will not be permitted to enter schools, and if they have concerns, they must request an appointment to meet them.

Uppont Santos has not confirmed which schools will open specifically, but has assured that he will announce them soon.

Aygen Marsh

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