Study indicates that Pfizer and anti-modern Govt vaccines provide immunity for many years

Study indicates that Pfizer and anti-modern Govt vaccines provide immunity for many years
Study indicates that Pfizer and anti-modern Govt vaccines provide immunity for many years

Study indicates that Pfizer and anti-modern Govt vaccines provide immunity for many years

The scientific journal Nature recently published a study in which the formulas developed by the German pharmaceutical company Pfizer / Bioentech and Modern Inc. are said to have the ability to develop an immune system that protects an individual for many years.
The project, carried out by researchers at the University of Washington in St. Louis (UWSL) in the United States, points out that those who complete the vaccination schedule with the sizes of these brands do not need a booster. It should be noted that this is only possible until a sufficiently powerful and flexible Covit-19 variant towards covit vaccines is released.
Scientists analyzed the cases of 14 people who received two doses of Pfizer, focusing their research on so-called “germ centers”, sites where antibodies can be trained to more effectively identify antibodies and fight viruses, essential for the production of antibodies. These centers are formed from a viral infection or vaccine.
UWSL Ali Elepedi, immunologist and head of the study, said that after 15 weeks of observations, only by using a single dose did they discover that the germ centers were still functioning properly, which gave an excellent indication of the duration of the vaccine in the human body.
The study included 41 other participants, all of whom were vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer / Bioentech vaccine; Eight of the patients had previously been infected with COVID-19. Specialists removed the lymph nodes from the armpits of the test subjects after 3, 4, 5, and 7 weeks, and some provided tissue after 15 weeks of vaccination, which calculates only the first dose of the German formula.
Through these analyzes, patients developed germ centers with B cells that produce antibodies that target the main protein of COVID-19. The use of the second dose promoted an increase in the immune response, which continued to increase despite the vaccine being completed in December 2020.
Although it is not his goal to compare the effectiveness of the vaccine to individuals with a history of the disease and those who do not, those who already have COVID-19 have significantly elevated their antibody levels, said co-author Jane O’Halloran.
According to information obtained from the results of the first experiments, Pfizer and Moderna last April promised that their formula would protect immunocompromised patients from COVID-19 for at least 6 months, but the truth is that the pharmaceutical companies did not investigate the long-term response of the human organism and confirmed the possibility of needing a reinforcement in the future.
Although this study did not even find out what the exact lifespan of vaccines developed with MRNA technology (Pfizer and Moderna) is, researchers rate the results of this project as a “positive indicator” of the long-term effectiveness created. Vaccines., If a third dose is needed or not it is responsible for the progression of the infection.
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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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