The Governor provides executive orders regarding technological integration

The Governor provides executive orders regarding technological integration

Governor Pedro Pierluis Urrutia on Monday presented two executive orders aimed at achieving technological integration between government agencies.

“One of the obligations of this administration was to create a system that would enhance the digitization of all documents and certificates held by the government so that the government is the one that provides information to citizens or companies, and citizens do not have to search or request documents that are already in the government’s authority,” the president said. Executive in written communication.

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Executive Order 2021-07 is to issue a decision as a public policy to accelerate digital government and develop the interconnectedness and interoperability of technology systems. “Technology and innovation are the top priorities of this government. I realize that although there are major developments in digital government, each agency operates independently and this creates a mismatch and they communicate with each other,” the governor said.

This executive order is declared as a general policy for developing the interoperability of government systems. Puerto Rico Innovation and Technology Service (PRITS) has ordered the creation of a digital platform that allows the various components of government to communicate with each other and exchange information.

Specifically, Executive Order 2021-08 also orders PRITS to create an Electronic Identity for Internet Access (IDEAL) system and to create a Citizen Information Portal (PIC).

Likewise, prior informed consent has been established as a citizens’ transparent mechanism in which information about government services as well as specifics specific to emergency is published. For example, the PIC will have information related to citizen orientation, tank capacity and levels, electrical power generation capacity, failure in Citizen Service Agency systems, active traffic lights and repair enrollment, roads under repair, employment and unemployment details, number of payroll received, funds Taken and repaid, among other things.

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Aygen Marsh

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