The hurtful comment of Tony Costa in front of the Adamari Lopez character

The hurtful comment of Tony Costa in front of the Adamari Lopez character

Adamari Lopez This week, she reached her fifth decade and is more beautiful than ever. The charismatic Puerto Rican presenter has been paying special attention to her diet for months and she undergoes a strict exercise routine in order to lose weight.

Although the primary purpose of her effort and discipline is to have a better quality of life, the physical change the actress has experienced – and continues to experience – is infamous.

Within a few months, the former villain struck like a melodrama wildcat s Under the reins of love He switched from wearing an L to S size dress.

This Wednesday, without going any further, the anchor wore the beautiful during her show Today (Telemundo) A well-fitting white dress especially accentuates her new personality.

“Tight clothing is divine,” “She is at her best, looks glamorous” or “This is how they should be dressed, show her new look,” you can read among the hundreds of messages that invaded the photo that was shared from the show’s Instagram account.

<em> Instagram today </ em> Adam Lopez “src =” “data-src =”–/ api / res / 1.2 / z3TAbR3HJ8GWPQn6De.Ftg– ~ B / aD0xNDg3O3c9MTE3MDthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg – / https: //<noscript><img alt= Instagram today Adam Lopez “src =”–/ z3TAbR3HJ8GWPQn6De.Ftg– ~ B / aD0xNDg3O3c9MTE3MDthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg – / https: // “class =”> “

Instagram today Adamari Lopez

But, without a doubt, the most private comment came from his partner Tony Costa, Who couldn’t be surprised and more pleased at the change Adamari is going through.

A fellow Zumba coach wrote, “Oh my God how do you get.”

<em> Instagram </em>“src =” “data-src =”–/ /1.2/VgQa.hW5509kwRjHusxsiQ–~B/aD02NTk7dz0xMTkxO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/ ‘><noscript><img alt= Instagram “src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTUzMS4xODM4NzkwOTMxOTk-/ – ~ B / aD02NTk7dz0xMTkxO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u / https: // “= / imgas”


Reactions to his mischievous comment were swift. One of the couple’s followers wrote, “Tony, you won the lottery with Adamari.”

However, this isn’t the first time Tony has interacted with a driver’s physical change.

A few days ago, in a photo posted by Adamari, the dancer already expressed his admiration for the presenter’s efforts to achieve her goal.

<em> Instagram </em>“src =” “data-src =”–/ 1.2 / Dic_gLpk3PqsSZiLdexIzw– ~ B / aD05ODg7dz0xMTgzO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u / https: // “><noscript><img alt= Instagram “src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTgwMS43NTgyNDE3NTgyNDE4/httgyNDE3NTgyNDE4/httu/ B / aD05ODg7dz0xMTgzO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u / https: // “class =” caas-img “/>


“Total admiration” were the words he shared that day.

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Muhammad Bourn

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