The magic of the Harlem Globetrotters returns to Luna Park | Two performances of the legendary basketball team delight young and old

The magic of the Harlem Globetrotters returns to Luna Park |  Two performances of the legendary basketball team delight young and old

Stunning dives, shots from incredible distances, unimaginable skills with basketball, humor and magic in similar doses: Luna Park prepares to live two unforgettable shows before a new Harlem Globetrotters presenceThe iconic team that delights young and old with a show that combines sports and entertainment in a symbiotic way.

As part of his world tour round spread game -In honor of Curly Neal, the team’s symbolic member of 22 years who passed away in 2020- the Globetrotters will make two stops in Buenos Aires, with two shows scheduled for Saturday 20 at Luna Park, after presentations in Colombia and Uruguay and before continuing in Chile. As in each of the nearly 400 annual shows, Legendary athletes promise a series of flying dives, incredible gravity-defying ball handling and unparalleled interaction with spectators.who will feel like the protagonists of the action that will take place on the floor of the legendary stage parquet of Corrientes and Bouchard.

One of the most emblematic current players of the team that was founded in 1926 and since then has already appeared in front of nearly 150 million fans in 123 countries is Korean thunder Lo, a showman is capable of achieving the finest immersion one can imagine such as hitting shots from behind or with one hand from one side of the court to the other.. Lu said he accepted the show for the second time in Argentina Page 12 The meaning it meant to be a part of the legendary formation that even Wilt Chamberlain had become a part of.

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“Being a member of the Harlem Globetrotters is a dream come true. To me, that means like living in a double dream, because it combines playing basketball, making money and doing what I love with the potential to leave an imprint on the lives of many people, especially children, in different parts of the world,” says Thunder. holder of nine records in the Guinness Book of Records, Among them is the player who dives the most in the oop alley in one minute or the farthest shot from their back, from a distance of more than 25 meters.

Lionel Messi fan (“The most amazing footballer I’ve ever seen”) and Emmanuel Ginobili (“One of the most influential foreign players in the NBA who marked an era with Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Greg Popovich”), Thunder, who played for High Point University in North Carolina before being recruited by the Globetrotters scouts, is still considered He himself is a basketball player, despite the fact that he is already a showman and has taken acting lessons to improve his interaction with the audience. “I will always be a basketball player and have a player routine: I train hard to do my best every night as any player on his team would.”

But not only that, the pressure to achieve the best result or score the best shot in each presentation forces him to undergo special training. “It takes a lot of training and dedication to do these amazing tricks that my teammates and I do constantly. We all take pride in what we do and want to be the best in the world, so we work really hard,” says Lu, who also tells of dishonesty about a special trick when the maneuvers don’t go as planned: “I never worry that things can go wrong.” to get worse. I spend many hours training, so I am always confident and ready. But if something goes wrong, you’ll never know because there’s a plan B for everything.”

His long-range shots are trademark. For this reason, a humorously deceptive question is asked:

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If there is a triathlon, who wins? Steve Curry or the law of thunder?

– (laughs) If it’s a joint contest, Carrie. He’s one of the best shooters in NBA history and he’s accomplished incredible things. But if it’s unconventional distances, I have great confidence…

Outspoken and very likable, Lou assures that he will seek to improve his Spanish during the South American stage of the tour, while at the same time he does not hesitate to sell his performance as an unmissable event: “It is an entertainment show for the whole family. It doesn’t matter if you are 9 or 90 or if you like basketball or not. It’s an unforgettable show I guarantee you will come back.”

Oliver Walton

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