The method that scientists use to catch a liar

The method that scientists use to catch a liar

That if he touches his hair a lot while talking, he avoids looking directly Eyes or make strange and abnormal movements. There are many details that can reveal that someone is lying to you, but in the moment of truth you can never be 100% sure if someone is completely honest or trying to deceive you in any way.

Beyond popular tricks, can be misleading, The truth is that lie detection is a highly sought-after skill in some professional fields, especially those related to intelligence, espionage or security. Hence, the scientific research on how to lie well or how to find out that someone is cheating on you even if it doesn’t seem like it has advanced much over the years. after every thingWe’ve all lied sometimes, with more or less success, And we can say that the world is divided between those people who are excellent actors in their personal lives and those who at least notice that they do not know and cannot lie.

The SUE technique “is similar to psychological strategy in that the person who knows more about other people’s strategies tends to win”

In more general terms, we are deceived on many occasions because we don’t really want to know the truth or have a credibility bias. Imagine that you suspect that your partner is lying to you with something that might be ridiculous or a fact that indicates seriousness, as when concealing infidelity. Logically, you want to know the truth, but sometimes you want so much to go along with it and that it’s going well for you that you’d rather not know. In this case, although doubtful, You will tend to automatically dismiss any hint of lies in their words and actions.

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RED and SU Technologies

A distinguishing feature we tend to pay attention to is the detection of lies in the forms, not the content. Thus, in recent years, deception-detection formulas that give more importance to what is said rather than how it is said have gained much importance. Known as the Reed Technique or Behavior Analysis Interview (BAI), This consists of a question-and-answer session that does not accuse anything, but merely causes the person to show symptoms of truth or deception. In it, researchers first ask questions about the interviewee’s background to obtain personal information and assess verbal and nonverbal behavior. Then we move on to the questions that They “provoke a certain behavior” in order to “eliminate different verbal and non-verbal responses.”

If his speaking speed is slower, this means that he either does not remember at all or makes it up all at once.

This technique is applied only when there are strong suspicions of lying, or in the field of criminology, when there are many indications that the suspect is guilty. Recently, Julia HirschbergA computer language expert from Columbia University, he implements a strategy similar to what Reid called أطلق a judge (“Strategic Use of Evidence”, for short) where you pay attention to what the suspect says and not so much how he says it. Unlike the previous one, his approach does not resort to intimidation, but to get inconsistencies from a false story or, on the contrary, confirm its veracity. In his own words: “It’s like a psychological game or strategy in which the person who knows more about the other person’s strategies tends to win,” explains in a magazine article.Discover magazine.

In that sense, it would be like playing a game of chess against someone you’ve previously watched play. The interviewer can start with general questions to see if the story matches what is already known to be true without revealing what is already known. on the principle Have the suspect confirm it himself. To do this, we urge you to remember everything you know about the truth you are being asked to do or, in the area of ​​the crime, what you were doing and where you were when you committed the crime. LaterYou’ll move on to asking specific questions about the part of the truth that the interviewer already knows. Thus, you will be asked if there is an error in your statement or if you have confirmed the official version for you and the investigator. Finally, the suspect must compare the two accounts, between his view of the facts and the conclusive evidence in the hands of the interviewer.

Photo: Source: iStock
This is how you should ask questions to spot a liar

Apple cider vinegar

The SUE technique for detecting lies is much slower and requires more work and attention on the part of the interlocutors. Regarding the non-verbal features of the statement, He doesn’t focus so much on your facial movements, posture, or gestures, but rather on voice, rhythm, or tone of speech. If you go too slowly or too fast in your statement, this will indicate that you are lying or telling the truth. Chances are, if your speed is slower, it means that you either don’t remember it completely or you just make it up all at once. We must also be wary of the speed of his statements, for perhaps he has had time to invent the version and wants to say it hastily, so as not to forget what he wants to say and Inject a sense of honesty into the story.

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How can this lie detector formula be applied in daily life? Just try to check for yourself whether what you affirm or deny is true or false, which will undoubtedly take time. And then, face to face, Bring it up after a long, confident conversation. Don’t ask him directly for the truth or statement that you think he is lying to you about, but rather ask him about details that you know to be true that might indicate that hypothetical lie. It is not at all easy to achieve success in this form of lie detector, because you must have enough patience and integrity so as not to fall into direct accusation or gullibility.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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