The mysterious disappearance of the young woman who promoted #MeToo in China | BBC investigation
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On September 19, 2021, journalist and feminist activist Sophia Huang Xiuquan who promoted the #MeToo movement in China and fellow social activist Wang Jiangping both disappeared on their way to the airport in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, in the south of the country. .
Huang intends to travel to England, where she won a British government scholarship to study gender issues at the University of Sussex.
After a while, he learned that both were arrested on suspicion of “inciting sabotage against the state.”
Chinese secrecy restricted lawyers and media access to the case. But the silence of some British institutions on this matter also led to a stir.
The BBC’s investigative journalism team, from the BBC World Service, has investigated these disappearances and revealed details that reveal wrongdoing in both China and the UK in the case.
Reporter: Jesse Lau. Producers: Reddy Jha, Jesse Lau and Manisha Ganguly. Executive Producers: Daisy Alif and Mustafa Khalili. Spanish writing: Anna Maria Rora.
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