The ‘The Legend of Zelda’ box broke the most expensive sales record ever

The ‘The Legend of Zelda’ box broke the most expensive sales record ever

New York /

A Getty For older consoles Nintendo NES From the famous video game ‘Description of Zelda‘((Description of Zelda) The registered amount was put up for auction on Friday 70 870,000The traditional auction is announced in a statement.

This is the centerpiece“One sale is being carried out somewhat online until Sunday, which includes” 443 lots, “he told AFP. Eric Bradley, Company Spokesperson Dallas.

Dated 1987, the area was still Sealed in its original packaging.

According to the auction house, this is a “World record for video game“, Last April, the video game box’s Heritage auction also surpassed sales Super Mario Brothers In order Nintendo NES Dating since 1986, sold 60 660,000.

Tradition Identity not communicated Buyer’s (s).

A combination of adventure, action and exploration in the magical universe, Zelda This One of the most important topics in history Video games and a banner Nintendo, Which still holds the list for its consoles Click.

For many years, Video game Has been enjoying growing success among retro nostalgic players.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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