“There is no way to look bad on anyone”

“There is no way to look bad on anyone”

Wilkin Garcia Peguero, known as “ghee”In response to the statements provided by the Banking Supervisor, Alejandro Fernandez W. from what The business model it providesAnd the Corresponds to a hierarchical scheme.

“Attention supervisor on banks, there is no way to make anyone look bad”Reassure the man who claims to be an accountant and who invented The “magic formula” for doubling money.

ghee announce a phenomenonBy inviting the country’s economists to prepare, because it will give lessons to all.

«born Albert Einstein in the Dominican Republic, Province of Monte Plata, Sabana Grande de Poya. Best economics design, get ready for the economists, I’ll let everyone know.”

According to some people who have previously dealt with “ghee” in your company 3.14 InvestmentsThe scheme is about giving a sum of money, and in a month or less they give you back up to 100 percent of the interest.

mention that Fernandez and . He said that “there’s no magic here, there’s no algorithm, there’s no Warren Buffett, basically with the money that comes from other people, the ones who arrive… they get paid first.”

Along the same lines, He expressed his concern that the scam persists thanks to the large number of transfers received by the city of Sabana Grande de Poyawhich is a relatively small town, or this method extends to other cities.

The movie “Mantequilla” appeared due to a video clip that spread on social media, in which he was seen throwing an unspecified amount of money from the second floor of a house where his company operates.

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Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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