They are testing the emergency alarm system

They are testing the emergency alarm system

the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which will be held this Wednesday at 2:20 pm, National test of emergency warning systems and general notifications.

“It is appropriate that Puerto Ricans be informed that it will not be a true emergency. This test has nothing to do with the weather event that passed through our area. This week’s test will be the sixth test of systems nationwide and was planned,” said Ian Carlo Serna, head of the Office of Communications. pre”.

Carlo Serna explained in written statements that the purpose of the test was to assess that the Emergency Alert System (EAS) was still effective in receiving and transmitting messages nationwide for emergencies through radio and television stations, and that Wireless Emergency Alerts provided Infrastructure (WEA) test messages to phones portable.

During the test, normal radio and television programs to broadcast the EAS message will be interrupted.

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Aygen Marsh

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