They found mummies with golden tongues and tombs from different eras in northern Egypt

They found mummies with golden tongues and tombs from different eras in northern Egypt
A large number of tombs dating back to different historical periods have been discovered in the Nile Delta in northern Egypt (IStock)
A large number of tombs dating back to different historical periods have been discovered in the Nile Delta in northern Egypt (IStock)

On Thursday, the archaeological mission of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Antiquities announced a date The discovery of tombs from different periods containing “several” mummies with golden tongues, In the city of Quesna in northern Egypt.

The council’s secretary-general, Mostafa Waziri, said in a statement that the mission had found some Golden pieces in the form of a tongue in the mouth of some mummies discoveredHe regretted that many of them are in poor condition.

As pointed out Layers of gold were found in contact with the bones And with linen sheaths and materials used in the embalming process, according to Waziri.

For his part, the head of the antiquities sector in the council, Ayman Ashmawy, said in the statement that The mummies were distributed in a tomb with two chambers and in another burial pit with three chambers.

The tombs, of a “unique style,” according to Ashmawy, were built of fresh, unfired bricks and were used in three different periods: the Late Period of Egypt (664 BC to 332 BC), and the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323 BC to 30 BC). ) and during the Roman Empire.

The statement pointed out that this new discovery is of great importance because The tomb has been used more than once at different stages.

In addition, the expedition found a variety of gold items in the tomb, including some Ladybug and lotus flower artifactsAs well as funerary amulets and ceramic vessels that were used during the mummification process.

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The city of Quesna is home to some of the most important sites and archaeological sites in the world. Nile Delta in the north of the African country, Where a large number of tombs dating back to different historical periods were discovered.

(with information from EFE)

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