They report the disappearance of Selena’s nephew and AB Quintanilla explains it all

They report the disappearance of Selena’s nephew and AB Quintanilla explains it all

A few hours ago, the news circulated Elijah Jay QuintanellaAnd the Nephew of Selena QuintanellaAnd the I’m AB Quintanilla, there was MissedAs his mother, brother of the former Tex-Mex queen, mentioned, Heather Green Through their social networks.

at Message That later ErasedThe teenager’s mother reported that her son He was going to disappear on Saturday night, March 20 And so he narrated how The last time I saw himAnd the “The most terrible thing is that at two in the morning, when I was outside the house crying and calling for him to appear, I saw him, I was in the middle of the street. I ran to the sidewalk, he said a few words to me, but I didn’t hear him very well. When we look back, It has already disappeared, Wrote.

Although the letter was deleted, friends of the former partner of AB, Spread the message To help Green, who was desperate to find him, just like this The message can still be read Books in which he describes his son as a “An amazing kid.”

This is the message the mother reported her disappearance, reposted by an alleged friend of Heather Grein:

In the message you can read: Hello friends, my heart is broken as I write this, but as a mother I cannot leave a stone without his heart. At around 8:30 PM, my son, Elijah Jade Quintanilla, has disappeared. This isn’t his defining characteristic, he’s an incredible kid, and he will never want anyone to worry about. ”, Wrote.

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Quintanella's lost son Selena Quintanella is safely found

Even the teenager’s mother confirmed this The police were already aware of the search for himAnd theThe police are involved And trying Track paths“, Okay Her neighbors did not want to help herAnd the “I ran to see my neighbors, maybe I’ll be spending the night with one of them. One of them, My uncle Joe DiandaOn more than 3 occasions, he shouted at me, “Like the devil, Get off my possessions!.

The former AB commented that she felt “devastated” by what was happening ask for helpAnd the “I felt devastated, totally defeated by my family. Please, if you see my son, call meOne parent to another parent, please … Finally he sent a letter to his son in case he saw the post,Jay we love you so much please please home.

Nivio Celina Quintanilia will be safe

After the news of the search for the teenager, his father was he, AB Quintanilla, Who is the He mentioned that his son was fine and revealed his whereaboutsAnd the “There are stories going around that my son Elijah is missing, and he is They are false reports, He began to explain.

AB reassured fans saying it He has already spoken to his son and knows where he isAnd the “I talked to him and With his grandmother and aunt, safely and wellHe commented without giving further details.

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Quintanella's lost son Selena Quintanella is safely found

Finally, the Selena Quintanella’s brother He called on his followers to pay attention to his official networks Verify information First hand I thank everyone for their interest And always remember: come to my page to check out everything you hear about me. Have a wonderful Sunday. “, is over.

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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