Truffles put the country’s animal abuse at the forefront

Truffles put the country’s animal abuse at the forefront

When he leaves an apartment in the capital’s Bella Vista sector, a man captured on video kicks a dog, apparently three times, punishable by a prison sentence of between six months and a year. .

This is specified in Article 66, Concerning Punishment for Cruelty, of Law 248-12 on Animal Protection and Responsible Property, dated August 15, 2012.

The case of Oscar Arturo Nanita Geronimo, who was held in his car, in the Bella Vista sector, is being investigated by the Animal Protection Unit of the Public Ministry (UPA), headed by Marilyn Luis Laranzo.

Likewise, it was reported that the detainee would undergo psychological studies, while the truffle dog, the French bulldog, was in the custody of the aforementioned unit, which is in charge of receiving complaints and investigating them and bringing violators to justice. Law.

The audiovisual material that is circulating on social media lasts for 20 seconds, and in 10 of them, the man is seen kicking the pet, while he hears a howling from the pain.

In the opinion of the jurist Amadeo Peralta, it is unfortunate that citizens are not aware of the existence of Law 248-12, which punishes people for ill-treatment and neglect, who mistreat an animal and cruelly beat it, after noticing that it is in fact prohibited. Circuses or other shows using animals throughout the national territory.

He also points out that the penalties stipulated in Article 61, Articles 3, 12 and 16 of the same law are more serious, which are described as “acts of cruelty” for mistreating an animal in a treacherous manner, due to evil, cruelty, selfishness and complacency. Perform any painful operation on an animal in an unprofessional way; Intentionally wounding or trampling animals, causing animal torture or unnecessary suffering, or causing death.

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On 15 August 2012, Lorenzo Antonio Laura was arrested for stabbing a donkey to his possession, an incident that occurred in the Las Calabasas community of Jarabacoa.

Laura, who was arrested while transporting agricultural products onto another donkey, said that at the time of the act “he was under the influence of alcohol and he did so because the animal did not want to walk.”

On November 12, 2019, a court imposed on Juan Diego Felix an economic guarantee of R $ 20,000.00 and a periodic visit to the Animal Protection Unit, as a coercive measure, on charges of painting a dog of his property blue in Las Charcas, from Azua.

Duty was imposed on Diego Felix, after he was arrested after meeting him via a video clip in which he was seen painting the dog blue.

On December 18 of the same year, the Public Prosecutor arrested Juan Hilario on charges of dragging a dog tied to a rope on a street in the municipality of Jarabacoa.

A video circulating on social media shows the moment when Hilario pulls the dog, tied with a rope.

Aygen Marsh

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