Vicente Fernandez: Anna Lily Arishiga, his alleged unrecognized daughter, applies to the singer | celebrity | Mexico | Chica
As a result of the disruption caused by the live-action Netflix series about the Mexican singer’s life Vicente Fernandez, an important topic in his private life surfaced again. We are talking about the woman who claims to be his daughter, Anna Lilia Arishiga, who has made important statements about her father and the exact state of his health.
more information: What is the last wish of the Mexican singer? Vicente Fernandez
As he recalls, Fernandez was taken to the hospital last August, due to a severe fall he suffered on his farm “The Three Foals”. Since then, the singer’s condition has been unstable, so it is difficult to determine whether he will be discharged in the coming weeks, and even many unofficial media came to confirm at one point that the Mexican had died, and was denied by the family,
Arishiga, who first revealed herself to be the artist’s daughter in 2015, spoke loudly and clearly about the health of her alleged father in an interview with KTV. Youtube shy Gutierrez. Likewise, he made a touching request that he hopes will reach Fernandez’s heart. Find out everything below.

Who is Anna Lilia Arichiga?
The woman who appeared on screens more than 6 years ago calls herself the eldest daughter of “Don Chianti”, although he has denied her alleged paternity, despite no DNA testing to support her. The 60-year-old takes care of the elderly in a luxurious home, so she does not understand how the singer’s family did not guarantee her safety.
Anna Lily Arishiga announced that she was the product of a fleeting affair that Fernandez had with her mother, who was 21 at the time, in Guadalajara. This relationship occurred before the translator of “This Jealousy” married his current wife Kokita.
Dreams of talking to your father
Although Anna Lilia is aware of her supposed rejection of her father and the rest of the family, she does not lose hope that she will have a good relationship with him. Likewise, he has indicated on several occasions that it is not in his interest to receive a portion of the wealth, nor the royalties:
“My only hope is to ask God to give him another chance, and that it is not yet his time to give me permission to talk to him. I don’t want fame, but his reasons are there.”

You don’t have a family connection
sexagenaría revealed that she did not attempt to contact Fernandez, due to the disapproval they felt towards her, even calling her “crazy”. This is why he never writes to them and thus avoids getting the wrong answer. The only thing this woman hopes is that she will be able to meet him even through a screen, since there is no possibility to visit him in the health center.