Video: A man pays a woman to slap him every time he uses Facebook and Elon Musk ‘launches him for fame’ (9 years later)

Video: A man pays a woman to slap him every time he uses Facebook and Elon Musk ‘launches him for fame’ (9 years later)


November 12, 2021 13:10 GMT

After the women’s appointment, the effectiveness of men’s labor increased from 35% to 98%.

In 2012, Indian-American businessman Manish Sethi bypass$8 an hour for a girl on Craigslist to slap her every time she uses Facebook in order to increase her productivity.

The unusual procedure seemed to be effective, as the quality of its action improved and its effectiveness increased from 35% to 98%, according to the man.

Nine years later, the businessman’s story spread on social media after Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and Space X, responded to the post with two fiery emojis.

For his part, Sethi replied to Musk and indicated that he was the person in the photo. “Did Elon Musk give me two ’emojis’ with the height I’m going to get? Is this the moment I fly Icarus close to the sun? Was that evident from the fire emojis that Elon posted? Time will tell. Businessman.”

Then many users also interacted with the story. Surfer books Maybe Sethi needs to hire someone to slap him every time he uses Twitter, while another joking That his mother slaps him for free.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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