Visa for Venezuelans in Peru | As of July 2, Venezuelan citizens will be required to present a visa and passport to enter Peru Formalities

Visa for Venezuelans in Peru |  As of July 2, Venezuelan citizens will be required to present a visa and passport to enter Peru  Formalities

Decision from Migrations It stipulates that, for immigration control purposes upon entry into Peru, Venezuelan citizens must present the current ordinary passport of their country and the corresponding visa, granted by a Peruvian consular office.

Since July 2, Nationals Venezuela Those who want to enter the national territory must have Valid ordinary passport And Peru visain accordance with the provisions National Immigration Control AuthorityWe will tell you more details about the regulations and some additional scopes.

the Resolution No. 000121-2024-MigrationsIt was published today, Thursday, in the Legal Standards Bulletin of the Official Gazette. Peruvian manProvides for the submission of various documents to Venezuelan citizens for immigration control upon entry into the national territory.

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What does the rule that requires a visa for Venezuelans entering Peru say?

The rule that repeals Resolution No. 000177-2019-Migrations of June 12, 2019, stipulates that for temporary immigration status and resident immigration status, a valid ordinary Venezuelan passport is required and visa Interview, granted to the Consular Office of Peru.

Only for resident immigration status, a valid regular Venezuelan passport is needed visa Current humanitarian aid, granted by the Consular Office of Peru.

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In addition, the resolution stipulates that applications for change of migratory status will be accepted only once for Venezuelans whose passports have expired, provided that their last entry into the country was before July 2, 2024, that they remain in the national territory, and that they must comply with the requirements and other conditions inherent in each procedure.

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Likewise, it is stipulated that the Directorates of Technical Administration, Immigration Control and Immigration Registration and Control shall, where necessary and within the scope of their powers, issue provisions supplementary to the provisions of this decision.

“This decision will come into effect five calendar days after the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Peruvian manThe specified standard.

What will happen to Venezuelan citizens who do not have a visa and are already in Peru?

It should be noted that the aforementioned decision did not specify details about this. However, Legislative Decree No. 1582 It shows the departure of all foreigners who The persistence time limit has been exceeded And the? You have not organized the paperwork for your residence. In addition, citizens who attempt to submit false documents to authorities in order to get the green light for their immigration status will also be expelled.

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