WhatsApp | This way they will remove the ‘everyone’ messages to the administrators of each group chat Applications | Technology | Cell Phones | Applications | Group chat | Android | iOS | Apple | WhatsApp Beta | Nnda | nnni | Game-game

WhatsApp |  This way they will remove the ‘everyone’ messages to the administrators of each group chat  Applications |  Technology |  Cell Phones |  Applications |  Group chat |  Android |  iOS |  Apple |  WhatsApp Beta |  Nnda |  nnni |  Game-game

Group chats It is important to communicate with a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 256 people in a conversation; However, now that the aforementioned instant messaging site is working on a new tool that many users suddenly do not like, we are talking about the functionality so that administrators have the power to delete any messages ‘for everyone’ in group chats. .

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Includes new changes to group chats, for example, recently WabetaInfo In these conversations it was revealed that managers can create small groups (subgroups) within themselves. Now, they give you another power, the ability to delete messages for everyone, but how does it work?

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Accordingly , This tool is available in beta version Share for Android mobile devices; Additionally, it works as follows: If each group has more than one administrator, they must all delete the same message, so ‘Everyone’ will automatically disappear, and a message will appear when this happens. “An administrator deleted it”. To get this functionality in the future, it is recommended to install WhatsApp beta.

How to enable the function for administrators to delete messages for everyone

Download WhatsApp Beta on Android

  • First you need to log in to the Google Play Store and search .
  • Enter Scroll down the space bar until you find the option to become a beta tester. If you do not see it, enter it .
  • Accept the terms and conditions and wait for the WhatsApp beta to start installing.
  • If you have it, you need to update it.
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Download WhatsApp Beta on iPhone

  • The first thing you need to do is download.
  • Now, In WhatsApp beta for iPhone.
  • You will be redirected back to TestFlight.
  • Click ‘Accept’ to get the status, WhatsApp beta will not take long to install on your cell phone.
  • It should be noted that the participants of the beta on the iPhone Share.

Do you have any problems? Do you have to report it? If you have any problems, you should write to their contact email: [email protected] or [email protected]. You can make a similar request from your iPhone.

Now, if you want to do a general query, you can use this to fill out the form . In addition to your region code, you must add your phone number and write your message after identifying yourself.

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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