When does the schedule change in the US, Mexico, and other countries?

When does the schedule change in the US, Mexico, and other countries?

(CNN Español) – Nearly 70 countries change their schedule around these dates: winter, if they’re in the northern hemisphere, or summer, if they’re in the southern hemisphere. Many countries near the equator do not adjust their clocks at any time of the year.

If you are in a country where the time changes in the northern hemisphere, then on these dates you must turn back the clock one hour. Around March or April, you’ll have to serve it up for an hour.

If you are in the Southern Hemisphere (and if time changes in your country) it will be the other way around.

In general, these measures seek to optimize the use of energy, although many countries have abolished these measures, and debates are raised every year in those countries that still maintain them.

Time change in the United States

On November 7 the schedule changes in the United States. Hawaii, most of Arizona, or the territory of Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, They don’t change the time.

Winter time will run until March 13, 2022, when daylight saving time begins again.

The idea of ​​daylight saving time in the United States was conceived in 1784 by Benjamin Franklin and has undergone several changes since then, according to data compiled by CNN.

In 1919 it was abolished, but it is still recognized in some regions of the country. In 1966, the Uniform Time Act established the Uniform Daylight Saving Time system in the United States, from the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October, but states can waive their participation.

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Between 1974 and 1975, Congress extended daylight saving time to save energy during the energy crisis. Between 1986 and 2006, it was scheduled to begin on the first Sunday in April and end on the last Sunday in October, according to a CNN compilation.

But since 2007, with the George W. Bush Energy Policy Act, DST in the United States begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.

Time change in Mexico

If you’re in Mexico, the time change will begin on Sunday, October 31. That is, except for the states of Quintana Roo and Sonora.

If you live in the northern border states, your time will change at the same time as in the United States.

South America

Chile and Paraguay are the only two countries in South America that continue to keep the time change in effect throughout their territory.

Chile switched to DST on September 4 and Paraguay on October 3.

Although they have implemented it before, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have now canceled the time change. They won’t have to set the time.

Also, even though governments have implemented it at some specific moments in history, if you’re in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, or Bolivia, you won’t change your schedule either.

Central America

Although some Central American countries sometimes use daylight saving time, there is currently no current measurement.

That is, if you live in GuatemalaBelize, Honduras, saviorNicaragua and Costa Rica or PanamaYou don’t have to set your watch.

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in 2018, The European Commission proposed to remove the time change. However, the decision has not yet been taken.

So if you find yourself in Spain Or in another EU country, on Sunday October 31 at 2 am, the clock will be set back one hour.

Aygen Marsh

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