With CBP One almost certain, they admit over 95% of cases to the US

With CBP One almost certain, they admit over 95% of cases to the US

According to US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data, more than 95% of migrants seeking asylum in the Nordic country are accepted through the dating app CBP One with notice of a future court appearance.

Reports Indicates That the majority of these foreigners receive Form I-94, which allows them to remain legally in the country and that Cubans are permitted to apply for permanent residency under the Cuban Adjustment Act one year and one day after entry along the southern border of the Republic of Cuba. United State.

The DHS report adds that between January and September 2023, more than 270,000 appointments were scheduled through the CBP One immigration application and that more than 266,000 of those people entered the United States after passing an interview with Customs and Border Control officers.

Data shows that citizens of countries such as Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Uzbekistan and Belarus, which are considered hostile to the United States, have a high probability of being released. For example, of the 57,381 Venezuelans who went to appointments, 55,690 were accepted and released, representing an acceptance rate of 97% in those cases.

How long does a CBP One appointment take to enter the US?

In mid-September, through our website, we investigated, according to reports on social networks and the media, the average waiting time in Mexico for Cubans, in terms of obtaining a CBP One appointment to enter the United States. The truth is that everything is a matter of “luck and truth”, because half of the appointments are random and the other half are in the order of arrival.

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Finally, the appointment arrived after two months and 12 days. The advice I give you is not to change your registration. Stay with the same registration that you made from the beginning, even if you hear others saying to change it (…) “If the appointment arrives, do not despair, if it does not arrive randomly.” “Chronologically, it will arrive,” warned Cuban Majella Pérez.

At the end of October 2023, times have not changed much, with appointments at CBP One taking an average of two to three months to complete the process.

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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