10 Science Study Tips For Students

10 Science Study Tips For Students

It takes a great deal of effort and time to understand difficult scientific principles. It doesn’t matter how intelligent a student is, it can be challenging as well as scary to comprehend some concepts, and they may feel that they need to approach a research proposal writing service for custom writing assistance from experts. Don’t leave the reading that’s been assigned until the last moment as this is something that needs to be avoided. Using caffeine and reading later at night will just end up with you feeling like you’ve not understood the concepts that you need to understand. A better idea is to take the following tips into consideration to ensure that you are well-prepared for any science-related assignments, essays, or reading that you need to complete. 

Be prepared before class

If you have been given some reading to do, then make sure you complete this before you go to class. By doing this you will be able to ask your teacher to explain anything that you didn’t understand in the text. It also enables your teacher to be able to outline any differences that come up and are different from the material used in class to the text that you have read.


It is always worth looking at the summary at the start of a chapter, as well as the questions and problems at the end of the chapter before you read an assigned text.  The reason for this is that it will give you an idea of what the author expects you to understand from reading the text.

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Make sure you understand what you read

Science textbooks follow a specific format therefore you need to be aware of how the material is laid out.  The larger a heading is, the broader a topic will be. If a heading is small then the topic is likely to be more specific.

Carefully look at each paragraph

As you read, count the facts you need to remember to bear in mind how they connect to the material that you have got from your class. It is also worth noting aspects such as website links, appendices, glossary, index, etc. Also, focus on graphs, formulas, and charts.

Re-read each chapter

You may need to re-read each chapter more than once before you fully understand the material you are reading. Don’t make notes the first time you read as it’s best to do this on your second reading. When you make notes, follow the format that the author uses and used the chapters as a  guide. It’s also worth taking the headings and subheadings and converting them into questions and then see if you can answer these using the notes you have made in class or your own knowledge of the subject. 

Don’t miss out on sample problems

Sample problems highlight concepts that are important in each chapter.  You should be able to solve each problem without having to refer to the text.  It’s worth bearing the following questions in mind:


  • What is the reason for each calculation that’s been performed?
  • Name the part of the problem that points to a specific principle?
  • Which specific principle is the problem trying to demonstrate?
  • Why has a particular formula been used in a specific chapter as opposed to a different formula?
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The aim here is to make a  connection between processes or a system described in the problem, as well as the scientific principles that have been used. You will see with time that you’ll start to spot the same principles coming up again and again.

Use the formula

Formula is an important part when it comes to problem-solving. Formulas are clear mathematical statements and make a process or a system make sense. If you don’t fully understand a formula, then you will not be able to use it correctly. In order to fully understand this relationship, it is worth asking yourself the following questions:


 What can the formula be used to find?

 What about the process or the system?

 What process or system does the formula describe, when it comes to the real world?


Now, you need to consider how you can apply a specific formula to your own experience. Once you have each answer, you need to ensure that your answer addresses the underlying question that’s been posed in the problem. 

Go through your work

By this we don’t mean that you just need to look for mistakes, you also need to make sure that you understand the formulas, concepts, and principles that were mentioned in your reading. 

Go the extra mile

A lot of students avoid reading science journals because they feel daunted by the diagrams, graphs, tables, and terminology used in them. However, don’t let this put you off as a good journal article can really help to make a difficult scientific topic come alive.  Many scientific journals contain very valuable information which can really help you to get a better understanding of scientific topics. Additionally, scientific journals are a great resource when it comes to deciding what career you wish to pursue.

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Don’t rely on memorizing

If you decide to pursue a career in science you’ll find that you will often come across a question that’s never been investigated previously, so you won’t be able to just give an answer or repeat somebody else’s method.

Test yourself

Don’t wait to be tested, it is worth testing yourself as this will prepare you for any future studies that you do, regardless of the field that you do them in. Test yourself by asking different questions,  mark your own work and remember to ask for help.

Tommy Vercetti

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