The old-fashioned rules about state pensions meant that 100,000 women could be significantly reduced in their pay.
The good news is, fixing it can be as simple as picking up the phone.
Rewards are worth it – per week. 54.25 or 8 2,821 per annum, resulting in inclusion in the pension.
The issue surrounds women who get divorced after the age of 60 and was brought to light by former pension minister Sir Steve Webb.
“Thousands of women over the state retirement age get divorced each year, but as a result many are unaware that they can qualify for a state pension increase,” said Webb, now a partner at Pension Advisers Lane Clark & May.
“Worryingly some financial advisers, lawyers and even DWP call handlers don’t know the rules.”
(Image: Getty Images / iStockPhoto)
To qualify for promotion, you must have reached the state retirement age before April 6, 2016.
You started claiming rights when you got married, but later divorced, so you could be lined up for a full state pension of $ 134.25 rather than just the “married woman’s rate” of $ 80.45.
But only if you let the DWP know, it usually doesn’t have people in mind when they split up.
Karin Walker, founder of the KGW Family Law, said: “State pensions are often overlooked at the time of divorce and should be one of the first things to look at.”
Webb added: “Any woman who has reached retirement age before April 6, 2016 and is divorced should contact the DWP if she is not in full base state pension to see if she is eligible for an increase based on her ex-husband’s contributions.”
(Image: Universal Images Team Editorial)
Paul Copley, director of the Oak Born Financial Program, said that you too should be diligent – if the person you are talking to does not hear about this rule, you may be punched.
“I have to keep trusting my customers, otherwise many will give up the first rejection,” Copley said.
I hear stories like ‘they didn’t understand what I was talking about’ and ‘I was told I couldn’t do what you suggested’. “
Claims can change quickly, but can take up to a year, he said.
The important thing is not to let go.
A DWP spokesman said: “We need to notify individuals of any change in circumstances that could affect their right to a state pension.
“As a reminder, we include in the leaflet the information that comes with the notices we send to retirees each year. We encourage anyone who thinks they have failed to claim a state pension increase to be eligible to contact their department.”
He added: “The DWP has trained teams with a commitment to dealing with all contacts from clients and asks them to verify their retirement entitlement.”