Chris Rock said don’t talk about Will Smith until you get the money, what did he mean?
Chris Rock He already gave some signs of his feelings after he slapped him will Smith In the last installment of OscarBut he assured that he would not reveal anything to receive cash.
Rock confirmed during a live show last Friday that he will not talk about what happened at the Oscars until he is compensated, which suggests that what the comedian wants is for someone to pay him for an exclusive show, according to a report by Palm Springs Desert Sunwhich describes in detail the materials that Stone pointed, while the actor continues his national tour.
Behind this statement, there may be a possibility that he and his agents have already been approached by various telecom companies such as television, radio stations, magazines and newspapers, but they have not provided enough.
Another, slightly more sinister, way of interpreting his comments is that he talks about the possibility of making a file civil lawsuit against Smith.
Another option is that it is a joke. Suspension Chris Rock It is not known whether it could be considered a joke or not, but given the context, the actor seems to be in a good mood.
desert sun He noted that in his program, Rock shot many celebrities and politicians such as Hillary Clinton, the Kardashians, Megan Markle and others.
He was also said to make fun of corporate businesses and diversity initiatives, while also talking about his family life, loneliness, and a culture of abuse for people these days.
Apparently Chris He is opening up more and more as his tour of the eastern United States progresses and where he says he is “still processing the coup will Smith“.