You will not believe it! This is Don Francisco’s last request before death reached him

You will not believe it!  This is Don Francisco’s last request before death reached him

Death is usually the sure thing we have in this life. I can regardless of social status, religion or race. Death is a normal part of life and it seems Mario Luis Kreutzberger, Known as Mr. FranciscoHe is more than evident, because he knows with certainty what will be his last request before he dies.

Although the iconic driver is healthy at the moment and still has many things to do in life, he noted it doesn’t hurt to be aware of any prospect, focusing more on the pandemic time the world is going through. .

In this sense ?? the master. Francisco ??, Who recently finished filming the first season of his new talk show, has opened his heart and He admitted what one of his biggest dreams would be before his life on Earth ended.

The TV presenter is in good health, but he honestly said what would be his last wish. Photo: Private

Death is closer to God

When asked what would be his last wish before his death, surely more than one referred to a huge banquet in the company of their loved ones, a trip, or even their ashes scattered in the sea, but Don Francisco’s wish goes further.

For the famous 80-year-old presenter, his biggest wish before his death is to be able to Talking face to face with Pope FrancisA wish he hopes to fulfill before the time comes to leave this world.

Cause of desire Mario Luis Kreutzberger It arose from the idea he had of the Pope, which he considers a very interesting and interesting figure, which is why he will request an interview with the Holy Father. ?? An interview I’d like to do before leaving this world ?? Stated for the program First hand.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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