A “Cayman man” is asking for help in the networks to get a job – people – culture

A “Cayman man” is asking for help in the networks to get a job – people – culture

“Crocodile man is talking to you doll and donkey, so you can make your videos like the ones online with the crocodile man. I don’t hold you too much, do it now! Don’t waste time (…)”.

These words were spoken by the humorist Alvaro Lemon, with a guitar in his hand and sitting on the sofa in a house. His song was recorded in a video he posted on his Twitter account, which has more than 10,000 followers.

In the post, Lemon asks his friends to cooperate because he “makes business promotional videos, Christmas greetings, and whatever else he needs.” He maintains that audiovisual products are cheap and that they can call him on his mobile number for any assistance.

(in addition to: Cayman Man asks the government for help for his people)


The humorist’s message spread over that social network and some people had already announced that they wanted to help him.

“ The Cayman Man, ” as he is known, was left without a job in 2019 after he was known to have left ‘Sábados Felices,’ one of the oldest Colombian TV shows in which he has participated for more than 40 years.

At the time, Lemon thanked the show for its many years of work, but he made no secret of his annoyance with the way his departure was delivered. It also turned out that he was fired due to pension issues: at the age of 74, he had already fulfilled 62 rules for retirement of men.

“They told me everything was the same, that I was still on the payroll. However, after some time, they told me I had to go.

(We suggest you read: A passionate farewell to “Cayman Man” from “Happy Saturdays”.)

After a few months of not getting a job, in January 2020, it became known that Telecaribe had hired him for La Formula del humor, a competition in which Lemon was a judge with Miriam de Lourdes and Luçu Chamier.Production premiered on February 26, 2020 and ended on March 25.

(If you read us from the EL TIEMPO app, see the picture Here).

Art and culture were among the sectors most affected by the crisis generated by the Coronavirus.

Just in Bogota, for example, Nicolas Monteiro, Minister of Culture of Bogotá, and Mauricio Agudelo, Director of Creative Economies, confirmed to this newspaper that last year “specifically in the performing and visual arts, in the field of cultural heritage, spaces that have gone into crisis For the first time, there has been a drop in income of 312,000 million pesos per month. ”

Felipe Poitrague, Minister of Culture, explained that amid the difficulties, this sector will in 2021 have the highest budget in its history (444 billion pesos) and the sectors that are part of the orange economy will receive a financial share of 517 billion dollars to promote projects nationwide.

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(You can continue reading: Why don’t Colombian actors receive royalties?)


Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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