“A Ciencia Cierta”: they launched the sixth edition of the – Science – Life . programme

“A Ciencia Cierta”: they launched the sixth edition of the – Science – Life . programme

During the Day of Science, where the participation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Book Fair in Bogotá was called, the head of that portfolio, Tito José Cristian, announced the opening of the sixth edition of the competition For sure knowledge.

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It is a program of “social appropriation of knowledge that it fosters through science, technology and innovation.” Enhance community experiences, based on identification and recognition of practices that have improved, improved, or transformed operations for the benefit of themselves and the community“.

This year’s program is based on the theme of the “circular economy,” and invites community organizations and research groups from across the country that, within their production processes and services, have good practices around resource minimization, recycling and use of raw materials, among other things, contributing to environmental mitigation. negative.

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According to Minciencias, the winning experiences receive recognition as “Experiences A Science Certain” and Allocate up to 100 million pesos to strengthen its operations.

In addition, they “must respond to needs, problems or matters of interest to the territory and link community participation, demonstrating social, economic and environmental impact, feasibility and sustainability.”

The ministry invited community organizations and research groups to participate from April 25 to June 27 (4 pm).

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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