A strange ship or an ice rock?
In 2017 this strange ‘astral visitor’ of unknown origin and nature was observed. From observations made during the few days that the object was within the telescope’s range, scientists have classified it first among comets and then asteroids. But the scientific community is divided. Some believe in the space probe theory, and this is markedly the case with Avi Loeb.
The director of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University published his book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” last January, in which he raised reasons for believing that Oumuamua was an ancient spaceshipShe may have already died and rushed aimlessly, which happened by chance through our solar system. But recent studies contradict Avi Loeb’s thesis, indicating that Oumuamua could be part of a planet similar to Pluto.
Explanation of the strange characteristics of Oumuamua
Stephen Desh And Alan Jackson, Astrophysicists University of ArizonaExplain these strange characteristics. The speed of the star’s body, which entered the Solar System more slowly than expected, indicates that it would not have been traveling through space for more than a billion years. Its “flat” waist has been found to be more flat than any other known object in our planetary system.
Therefore, the pure form, attributed at the beginning, is ignored. Alan Jackson “The fact that it is made of frozen nitrogen also explains the unusual shape of an umuamua,” he assures us.
Regarding the sad humming that Loeb shot at the interstellar asteroid Oumuamua, remember that it has no shape (https://t.co/lekjAiGZB1(Nor its path)https://t.co/c1qb6tMiFrStrange enough that the hypothesis of a spaceship must be taken into account. pic.twitter.com/MKgvRPoLUf
Astropierre February 1, 2021
For researchers: Oumuamua appears to be part of “exo-Pluto,” meaning that part of a small planet – similar to Pluto – that belongs to another star system and will be the result of a collision between a space object and its original planet 500 million years ago. We may have solved the ‘Oumuamua puzzle. We can reasonably define it as a piece of a Exo Pluto, A planet similar to Pluto in another solar system, “says Stephen Desch.
What’s up with the UFO theory in all of this?
For both researchers, the spaceship theory is just speculation, as a result of the inability to immediately explain the unusual features of “Oumuamua”: “Everyone is interested in aliens,” says Stephen Desch, “But in science, it is important not to jump to too many conclusions.” Years of finding a naturalistic explanation that matches everything we know about Oumuamua. “
Even if Avi Loeb doesn’t change his mind and even provides counterarguments to Stephen Desh and Alan Jackson, one thing is for sure that this “exo-Pluto” has finally provided a unique reason for scientists to note it. Extrasolar planetary systems. If others are found and studied Stellar objects Like Oumuamua, it will help to better understand other planetary systems and how they differ from ours.
next one The space observation mission, scheduled for October 2021, will be monitored by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Large Comprehensive Study Telescope. In Chile.