About 300 Cubans are involved in gold extraction and theft

About 300 Cubans are involved in gold extraction and theft

About 300 Cubans are involved in illegal extraction and theft Or In Seiko de Avila, State Cuba News Agency (ACN)

Coalition forces, according to Ranger Corps Ministry of the Interior (MININT), From Agriculture (Minogue), Energia y Minas (MINEM) and the Office of Regulatory and Environmental Protection (ORSA) in Seiko de Avila confronted the accused criminals.

The event was featured on Land owned by the Agrarian Commercial Division of the Municipality of Paraguay, With the participation of locals, and in the provinces of Camaguey, Los Tunas and Holguin. In place Ancient tents where about 100 people stayed overnight were discovered and destroyed, and deep excavations were carried out..

The testimonies of the arrested citizens revealed it The extracted stones were transferred to the Camague area, Where One gram of gold was valued at 2,500 coins and sold for 1,000 cubic pesos..

As a result of conflict operations, Four complaints for illegal mineral smuggling and another for improper use of natural resources, Perception Official warning to 34 citizens Illegal extraction and 90 fined for violating ordinances.

Officers Occupied 50 bags with 47.4 kg of mineral stone, Two bicycles, an animal-drawn vehicle (with a horse) and tools used in excavations and metal detection.

In addition, Preventive measures were applied to 70 people from the provinces of Las Tunas and Camague.ACN added.

Official Gazette Granma Held in early December Concentration discovery of eight tons of gold Loma Jacinto on deposit, In Camaguey.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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