After a week of tension in Brazil, the vice president asserted that “there is no room for institutional collapse”.

After a week of tension in Brazil, the vice president asserted that “there is no room for institutional collapse”.
Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Murao (Photo: Reuters)
Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Murao (Photo: Reuters)

Vice President of Brazil, General of the Reserve Army Hamilton MorrowOn Monday, ruled out the possibility of institutional collapse Or a coup in the largest countries in Latin America despite “strong eloquenceFrom the president, the far-right leader Jair Bolsonaro.

“There is no place for a vacation in the twenty-first century. We cannot look back on what happened in the twentieth century and transfer it to the present day. Is there strong rhetoric from our government? there. “There are no actions that correspond to this rhetoric,” Murao said in an interview with the newspaper. Gocha Radio When asked about If Bolsonaro will press for a coup in Brazil.

The vice president spoke about the institutional crisis in Brazil six days after Bolsonaro, in demonstrations in front of thousands of followers, Encourage them to disobey orders of the Supreme Court or decisions of Parliament that are inconsistent with their interests.

The leader of the Brazilian far-right led the mass protests on September 7 in which his followers came to defend Dissolution of the Supreme Court and Parliament through a “military intervention” with Bolsonaro in power.

A day later, groups of truck drivers, Bolsonaro’s followers, appeared They closed roads in several states of the country They demanded the dismissal of the Supreme Court justices.

“There is no place to rest. It should be very clear. There are no verbs that correspond to this discourse. I view this as powerful rhetoric for our government rather than actions that can lead to a rupture.‘, insisted Maura, who In recent months he has distanced himself from the head of state and has become less extreme.

Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Murao (Photo: Reuters)
Jair Bolsonaro and Hamilton Murao (Photo: Reuters)

Mourao said Bolsonaro could be more than that to caution With their statements, because their attacks often generate crises that harm the country.

“I think many things could be said in a more refined manner, without overstepping ethical boundaries. The government does many things that end up not showing up because of this strong rhetoric, To throw a smokescreen over their positive actions“, claimed.

Our institutions are strong, Brazilian democracy is strong, and That won’t change for some sermons made on one side or the otherVice President added.

Brazil’s institutional crisis eased slightly on Thursday when Bolsonaro himself, after fueling a conflict with other powers for several weeks, issued a “Message to the Nation”. In which he stated that he “never wanted” to “attack” the Supreme Court or Congress.

The president acknowledged that “the country is divided between institutions,” but claimed that “Harmony (between the authorities) is a constitutional will that everyone, without exception, must respect.”

In the wake of attacks on other powers, and various sectors, including Supreme Court justices, TheThey claimed that the head of state had committed so-called “responsibility crimes”.And It justified the start of an impeachment trial in Congress, which prompted Bolsonaro to back off.

According to Mourao, Bolsonaro’s “message to the nation” helped ease tensions in Brazil. “Speaking we understand each other. If we all stood on opposite sides of the street and acted like wild dogs, there would be no dialogue. We have to cross the street.”, She said.

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(With information from EFE)

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Aygen Marsh

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