Archbishop sees no problem with Bukele seeking re-election

Archbishop sees no problem with Bukele seeking re-election
The Archbishop of San Salvador, Jose Luis Escobar, unfortunately.  Francis Valley

The Archbishop of San Salvador, Jose Luis Escobar, unfortunately. Francis Valley

The Archbishop of San Salvador, Jose Luis Escobar Alas, sees no objection to the current President of the Republic, Neb Bokel, who is seeking a second presidential nomination, and has described it as unprecedented for the population to ask for re-election.

“And then the discussion can always take place, of course, but things seem to have been given.”
Monsignor Jose Luis Escobar, unfortunately,
Archbishop of San Salvador.

Monsignor Escobar recalled that there was already a decision of the Constitutional Chamber that, in September 2021, endorsed the immediate re-election of the President, and said that according to his understanding, the decision was considered obligatory for what he believed could be debated, but that there were already facts for the registration of his candidacy, then stated that even The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) issued a statement accepting the council’s decision.

“On the other hand, the Court also made a judgment on the matter, interpreting the Constitution, in such a way that she could be re-elected, and the Supreme Electoral Court immediately said that she would comply with the judgment, which in itself is a judgment that I understand to be a mandatory obligation,” the bishop added.

On September 15, during his independence speech, Bukele announced that he would seek to run for the presidency, once again, a year after the Constitutional Chamber elected by Nuevas Ideas had carried out an immediate presidential re-election on September 3, 2021.

Respect at the United Nations

Escobar Alas also referred to President Bukele’s address to the United Nations (UN) and considers it correct that the Salvadoran president asked for the country to be respected, adding that although El Salvador is no longer a colony, there are similar attitudes from more developed countries compared to poorer ones.

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The Catholic leader added that it was good for countries to work with mutual respect so that there would be healthy relations, as he recognized the importance of El Salvador’s foreign trade.

Reelection: What Happened in El Salvador

Why was it said earlier that immediate re-election is not allowed and is it today?

1.- Constitution of 1983

The constitution contains five provisions requiring presidential rotation and one of them prohibits certain officials from running for president.

2 – Article 152

One article states that a person who held the presidency for six months immediately prior to the preceding period cannot be a presidential candidate.

3.- Resolution

On September 3, 2021, the Constitutional Chamber clarified that the ban applies to the most recent former president and not to the current president.

Aygen Marsh

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