At least 15 miners have been trapped by the collapse of a gold mine in Colombia

At least 15 miners have been trapped by the collapse of a gold mine in Colombia

Colombian official sources said yesterday that the Colombian authorities are investigating the fate of 15 miners trapped in the collapse of a gold mine in the municipality of Nira in Caldas province (center).

The director of the National Mining Agency, Juan Miguel Duran, confirmed that the emergency care protocol had been activated due to the accident that occurred in an underground mine, “where it is estimated that 15 miners are missing.”

“A mine rescue team from the National Mining Agency traveled to the area,” the official added on Twitter.

The Caldas Ministry of Environment stated that the landslide occurred in the village (village) of Albusky.

“According to initial information from the authorities, miners could be trapped in the area. The firefighting team travels to the emergency site,” that agency said on its social networks.

It is noteworthy that firefighters from the town of Ira, in the neighboring county of Risaralda, are closer to the area of ​​the accident than the municipality of Nera, attending the state of emergency, detailed to Eevee.

Likewise, aid agencies, military, police and officials from the mayor’s office of Nera, a coffee-growing municipality located in Colombia’s central mountain range, travel to the area.

Rescuers will take motor pumps to the area to draw water from the mine, which appears to be flooded because it is located near the Cauca River, the second largest river in Colombia.

On February 20, three people were killed and two others injured in another accident that occurred in a mine in the municipality of Poritica, in the province of Antioquia (northwest).

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Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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