“Authorities recovered at least two bodies after the wall collapsed on 27 de Febrero and Gomez” | Daily menu

“Authorities recovered at least two bodies after the wall collapsed on 27 de Febrero and Gomez” |  Daily menu

Authorities recovered at least two bodies after a wall collapsed in the city The Bridge on February 27 with Máximo Gomez.

The authorities have not yet provided details about the victims and are working to remove all the people who were trapped when the wall fell at around 6:00 pm on Saturday.

The Executive Director of the National Emergency Assistance and Security 911 System, Colonel Pilot Randolpho Rego Gomez, reported that about 10 ambulance units were present at the scene.

With regard to traffic, The National Institute of Transit and Land Transport (Intranet) announced the suspension of traffic from the street February 27 to Tiradentes (for traffic coming from the west), due to a wall collapse at an overpass.

Máximo Gomez Avenue from John F. Kennedy to 27 de Febrero was also closed.

Traffic through tunnels and elevated areas on 27 de Febrero Street was also suspended.

The Center for Emergency Operations (COE) has validated warning levels for heavy rains caused by a tropical disturbance.

The director of the authority, General Juan Manuel Mendez, reported that 13 provinces are on red alert, while 12 provinces are in yellow and 5 provinces are in green.

Another victim

In Barahuna, a man died when a wall fell on him.

The deceased has been identified as Camilo Sanchez, who for decades was in charge of the residence of deceased radio broadcaster and television producer Rafael Corporan de los Santos in this city.

A unit of the National Emergency Assistance and Security System 9-1-1, as well as firefighters, went to the scene and rescued Sanchez, who was already dead, from the water.

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Aygen Marsh

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