Basketball: Defenders and Sparks, with a Winning Need

Basketball: Defenders and Sparks, with a Winning Need

The two representatives of the San Nicolas Union will play today in the eighth date of the second group. Starting at 9:00 PM, Garnet will clash with the Communicaciones de Pergamino, while at 9:00 PM, “Saka” will face Náutico de San Pedro.

Today, ABSN representatives will be local. Gentiles Ezequiel Soldini.

In a continuation to the eighth history of the Buenos Aires Provincial Preliminary Tournament, Defensores and Sacachispas will have an obligation to win if they intend to maintain their chances of qualifying for the next round, which will be reached by the top three from each region. For Group B, from 9:00 pm in Villa Ramallo, Granate will receive calls from Pergamino. Meanwhile, at Villa Constitucion at 9:30 p.m., Sacachispas will play Nautico de San Pedro. This time captain Independiente de Zarate will be free.

Controversy So far, the Defensores did not play last weekend with Náutico, as Samedrinos had a case of coronavirus in their squad, and because they argued that they could not train, they asked the federation to suspend their commitment. The Ramallah players have had two victories so far, both against Sakachispas. Against who would be his contender today, he didn’t do well in Bergamino, where the Communicasians beat him 77 to 49.

For his part, Sacachespas will face Náutico, who suffered two consecutive falls after starting with three straight wins. The villagers haven’t been able to beat the Communicaciones yet in the competition and they are the last. A new setback will make “Saka” on the brink of exclusion. In the previous encounter, Náutico won 81 to 72. On Monday at 8:00 pm, Defensores and Sacachispas will play again: Martín Blanco’s match in Zárate with Independiente and that of Claudio Sánchez at Pergamino con Comunicaciones.

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At the moment, last night, the activity of Round 8 began with a home win for leader Racing de Olavaria, with a 73-56 victory over Independiente de Tandil in the framework of Group C.

Today in addition to the representatives of the San Nicolas League, they will play:

Group A: 8:30 pm: Argentino de Trinqui Lauquin – Cavol de Lincoln and 9:30 pm: Atlético Villegas – Los Indios de Junin. Free: July 9, Junin.

Group C: 21:00: the new town of Olavarria-Smata of Mar del Plata. Free: Alvarado de Mar del Plata.

Group D: 21.00: Nautico de Zarate – Deportivo San Vicente and Platense de la Plata – Gimnasia de Chivilcoy. Free: Social networking Alejandro Korn.


Group A

Team points. PJ PG s
Indians 10 6 4 2
July 9 9 6 3 3
Argentine (TL) 9 6 3 3
Caval 8 5 3 2
in a. Villegas 6 5 1 4

group b

Team points. PJ PG s
independent (Z) 11 6 5 1
Nautical (SP) 8 5 3 2
Communications 7 5 2 3
Defenders 7 5 2 3
takes sparks 6 5 1 4

group C

Team points. PJ PG s
Race (O) 13 7 6 1
SMATA 9 6 2 4
independent (T) 9 6 3 3
new town 7 5 2 3
Alvarado 7 6 1 5

group d

Team points. PJ PG s
Platency 11 6 5 1
Social (AK) 11 6 5 1
San Vicente Department 8 6 2 4
gymnastics (class) 7 5 2 3
Nautico (p) 5 5 0 5

Oliver Walton

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