Biden seeks to turn to Afghanistan and return to economic reforms | International

Even the long Labor Day weekend in the United States from Monday to September has not given President Joe Biden a break. His ambitious reform agenda –$ 3.5 trillion social infrastructure project (2.9 billion euros); The duality of the physical infrastructure project is already on track – Moderate Democrats are not yet convinced, Accelerates its parliamentary practice. The delta variant of epidemiological plans on economic recovery and various unemployment benefits did not support the president’s intention to improve his domestic agenda of deliberately turning the page on clouds in Afghanistan.
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On Sunday, two of Biden’s most loyal veterans, his commander-in-chief Ron Glenn and adviser Cedric Richmond, faced threats from Central Senator Joe Mans, in contrast to the social mobilization. Manjin asked for a break in the negotiations and raised doubts about the cost of the project due to the tax increase on higher incomes. They both hoped to reduce the engine’s resistance and continue rowing together under the full boat.
The democratic leadership’s optimistic forecasts – approving both plans before October 1 – are in the air. Democrats and Republicans won 50 seats in the Senate, and Mansin’s vote was crucial to progress through the reconciliation process – with a simple majority, with Vice President Kamala Harris voting in the Senate. The ambitious plan of the community is reforms, which will mark the country’s greatest social expansion Lyndon B. in the 1960s. From Johnson’s Great Society Project. To recognize it in the normal way, Philipstering, which requires a majority of 60 votes, is mathematically impossible.
The domestic agenda has so far been President Biden’s main asset, the most successful: Bilateral consensus to upgrade with outdated infrastructure, with $ 1.2 trillion Highlighted a new way of politicizing the country; Consensus is an obvious possibility. After its hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, it also appeared to be an appropriate refuge from criticism from Republicans. But Differences within your own party Threatens to complicate Biden’s plans. Progressives must vote for the 3.5 trillion community package early; Moderate, preferring physical infrastructure. Combining the two during the summer holidays can greatly complicate the agenda for both homes. Even the Republican attempt to convene an emergency session on the Afghan crisis last week did not deter their laziness. Thus, the two main projects will be voted on by the end of September, as well as the federal budget; If this does not happen, the administration will close on October 1.
Apart from domestic opposition and opposition from Republicans, the economic situation is not favorable. In two months, rising inflation, a slump in job creation in August and, above all, widespread tide of suspicion of the delta variation (more than 160,000 new cases and 1,500 deaths a day, plus 100,000 hospital cloud-optimistic spring forecasts some sort of 12 million Americans since this Monday Added that unemployment will be without benefits. An additional $ 300 a week bonus expires today for the 3.9 million unemployed predicted in the epidemic recovery plan ($ 1.9 trillion), approved by Congress in March and extended twice. Together, the three unemployment assistance programs cover 12 million Americans, including freelancers of large sites. Until this Monday.
The Labor Day deadline is not free, but a concession to the most moderate Democrats to vote in favor of the aid and its extensions. But no one expected the 26 states to boost the jobs that were supposed to encourage them to partially or completely withdraw these subsidies in early summer – the unemployment rate will be 5.2% in August when the country moves towards full employment).
On Saturday, the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Biden will once again face the ghost of Afghanistan. Even in a deeply rooted democratic city like New York, Biden is not guaranteed an applause. To gesture to the families of 9/11 victims to reveal confidential documents of the investigation His reputation is plagued by the chaos of the Afghanistan exodus.
Less and less ground fighting between the two factions of his party is not limited to legislative proceedings, but extends to issues such as the confirmation of Jerome Powell as head of the Federal Reserve, which ends in February. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Biden called for Powell to step down at the crucial moment – the expected withdrawal of stimulus, the lifeblood that would keep the economy afloat during the epidemic – and Trump, who opposes the appointment of Led Powell by progressives such as Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez. Meanwhile, senior Bernie Sanders, the leader of the progressive faction, pushed himself into the ring, ignoring the entrenched discriminatory debates in order to explain the benefits of the greatest social reform. Old politics, rallies and personal persuasion, to recover a troubled pedestal.
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