Biden to send 4,400 payments to citizens this weekend

Biden to send 4,400 payments to citizens this weekend

Washington, USA.

Government of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, Will start sending, “Soon, this too Weekend “ Direct charges up to $ 1,400 To Taxpayers Rent Miners, In using one of the star operations of Trigger package Approved by the President this Thursday.

“People will start to watch Direct deposit In them Bank accounts This weekend, “the spokesman said White House, Jen Saki, At a press conference.

Those first payments “a The first wave “, And the rest of the Americans “in the coming weeks.” They will receive their checks.

Biden The Oval Office signed the financial recovery plan this Thursday 9 1.9 trillion, Which received final approval from Congress the previous day with the aim of covering these payments and mitigating the economic consequences of the epidemic.

Includes direct transfers of the program $ 1,400 For taxpayers and taxpayers earning up to 000 75,000 per year Pairs It adds up to 150,000. Individuals earning in between 75,000 and 80,000 They will get help, but it will be less.

For the first time, pro adults will also receive a check. $ 1,400, One that did not occur in the other two stimulus packages previously approved.

See: Biden has signed a tax bailout that will boost the Latin American economy

Behind the direct payments, if Government Places Money in pockets The level of American spending will continue and the economy will continue to function.

Go to the rescue runr Biden With $ 900 billion in Congress postponed in December and the biggest $ 2.2 trillion in the country’s history, he will become Republican president in March 2020. Donald Trump.

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The worst affected country is the United States International spread, Than 529,000 deaths And more than 29 million cases. EFE

Arzu Daniel

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