Bilbao will provide spaces around dwellings so that elderly people can safely exit during the pandemic

Bilbao will provide spaces around dwellings so that elderly people can safely exit during the pandemic

The Bilbao City Council plenary unanimously approved an amendment to an initiative presented by Elkarrekin Podemos to improve the housing equipment of the elderly “by enabling limited and safe spaces” around its facilities, which Facilitating the residents’ exit to an open place and walking “while maintaining at all times the sanitary measures recommended by the competent authorities».

In presenting the initiative, Elkarrekin Podemos Xabier Jiménez mayor noted that the elderly are probably the group most at risk due to the pandemic. “Many people hadn’t seen the sun for nearly a year, except from their windows.” Those who are in the housing are those who are “severely confined”. Some of these centers have patios or gardens, but many lack them. “This is why we put forward this proposal, because nearby public places allow a safe space nearby and have bubbles that allow you to go outside for a few hours a day.” Jimenez pointed to the damage caused by prolonged confinement to the elderly, such as loss of muscle mass or a decline in cognitive abilities. Proposing to enable spaces that allow residents to go out «with security measures always, an attempt to alleviate this situation. It is an initiative that will be an oxygen balloon for hundreds of neighbors.

The spokespersons of the authority and the government team agreed when evaluating the initiative, if any, noting that the solutions being adopted are being “sensitively and carefully”, as indicated by EH Beldo Alba Bills. From the government team, Social Work Adviser Juan Ibaritex explained that “prior to this proposal, he had already addressed this question at Zorozjuetia’s residence. The director contacted us to request permission for Fence the pavement to make the itinerary possible By using the square next to housing, the suggestion “allows us to continue moving forward until we return to normal life.” The amendment, which was unanimously approved, “urges us that while sanitary measures are being maintained due to the epidemic and in agreement with the county council, we cooperate with the residences and provide, upon their request, open and limited spaces. This suggestion makes sense especially in residences in Bilbao that lack their own open space. Whatever the case, “It is an exceptional measure commensurate with the epidemic situation. With normalcy, the goal is for these residents to enjoy the city like all citizens.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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