Books that are read by the smartest people according to science | Read nnda nnlt | the answers

Books that are read by the smartest people according to science |  Read nnda nnlt |  the answers

If you are a fan of Did you know that there is sure? books that enhance social-cognitive processes and thus make those who read them more intelligent? According to a study, the type of text that a person can read indicates the development of their intelligence more than others.

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Next, we detail the actions that, according to science, affect the development of a person’s intelligence.

What books do the smartest people read?

Depending on what kind of literary genre a person reads, they will be able to develop certain cognitive abilities that are higher than the rest, as indicated by a study by Emanuele Castano of the University of Trento and the National Research Council in Italy, published in .

According to “The Effect of Imagination Exposure on Relative Complexity, Egocentric Bias, and Accuracy in Social Perception,” Those who like the fantasy genre will develop their social cognition in different ways, as it will be associated with greater complexity in attribution and accuracy in predicting social situations..

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Reading does not help to explain or understand some kind of context or story that is presented to us at work (Image: Freepik)
Reading does not help to explain or understand some kind of context or story that is presented to us at work (Image: Freepik)

versus literary fiction. popular imagination

The author points out that any type of novel has an impact on what we think about the world, yet he analyzes it “The ways imagination shapes the way we think”.

“The original work, which was published with my former student David Kidd in Science, showed that not all novels shape our way of thinking in the same way. We distinguish between literary fiction (for example, Don DeLillo, Jonathan Franzen, and Alice Munro) and popular imagination (for example, example, Dan Brown, Tom Clancy, and Jackie Collins), and show that by reading literary novels you can improve your reading skills. Minds: Better at inferring and representing what others think, feel, intentions, etc.”pointed to .

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Likewise, he noted that by expanding his spectrum of variables, he observed how we developed arguments about the two types of imagination and their role in society. Thus, it was decided that Literary fiction invigorates as it prompts readers to produce their own perspectives by engaging many complex characterswhereas the popular novel is negative because it provides meanings to readers in advance and is more interested in plot than character.

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The habit of reading increases reading comprehension (Photo: Freepik)
The habit of reading increases reading comprehension (Photo: Freepik)


Those who read literary novels presented better cognitive and social skills because, according to Castano, readers of these books improve their “mind reading skills,” which helps them infer and discover many different things and perspectives throughout the novel.

Although this genre presents a more complex work of the mind, the author specifies that this does not mean that it is better than the other, because both are necessary, Castano said.

Children should be taught the habit of reading at an early age (Photo: Freepik)
Children should be taught the habit of reading at an early age (Photo: Freepik)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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