Boukili appoints the son of the Minister of Education as Minister of the Interior
Prior to his appointment as Minister, he worked as an advisor to the Minister of Public Works. In 2020, the Guatemalan authorities requested his extradition, but the Supreme Court of Justice declared this request inadmissible.
The President of the Republic, Neb Boukele, said, on Wednesday afternoon, that he had appointed Juan Carlos Bedigen Hanania, who held the position of advisor and deputy director in the Ministry of Public Works, the new Minister of the Interior.
Bidjan served as such despite his direct relationship with the Minister of Education, Carla Evelyn Hanania de Varela, of whom he is her son, according to official documents verified by El Diario de Hoy.
As a dispatch consultant to VMT, he earned a salary of $ 3,621.
The official also has an open judicial process in Guatemala, for ill-treatment of minors.
Regarding this crime, the Guatemalan authorities asked their Salvadoran counterparts to extradite the criminals, but in May 2020, the High Court of Justice in El Salvador I decided to declare this request unacceptable.
You can read: Pablo Unliker has been removed from the post of Minister of Agriculture
Bidjan Hanania lived for several years in Guatemala, where he married Silvia Patricia TR in 2009.
“The new president of GobernacionSV is: Juan Carlos Bedigan. Since the beginning of our government, he has worked as a director at VMTElSalvador,” Bukele posted on his Twitter account.
In addition, he assured that since September he has coordinated the logistics of the Health Emergencies Program (PES) and the multidisciplinary Epidemic Containment Team from the Ministry of Health.
The appointment corresponds to Announcement Number five of the 10 that Buckili hopes to make within the next few hours and takes place weeks before Mario Doran, who heads the state portfolio, takes office as mayor of San Salvador.
This is one of the changes that have been made in the government cabinet, the last of which was on March 26 when Gustavo Filatoro was appointed Minister of Justice and Security, leaving his position on the Supervisory Board of the Financial System.
Juan Carlos Bedjin Hanania, who served as Counselor and Deputy Director at the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), holds the position of Head of the Interior. Photo: Illustrative and non-commercial image / / nayibbukele / status / 1379927054460784646
It is also known about replacing Pablo Anleker as Minister of Agriculture, and although the announcement of a new official was not officially released by the press secretariat of the Presidency, the former official had already withdrawn his position from his main Twitter account.
Also: the government swears in Gustavo Filatoro as supervisor of the financial system
Profile personly
Bidjan is a graduate of Evangelical University and holds a degree in Business Administration. In his practical experience, the Information Portal sheds light on:
2016-2019 L Rincon. Director general
February 2008 – January 2014. DAESA SA DE CV. Director general
July 2004 – February 2008. AQUAPURA SA DE CV. marketing manager.
January 2000 – July 2004. AQUAPURA SA DE CV. sales manager.
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Court decision on the extradition of Juan Carlos Bidjan Anania
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