Business Streaming and Cloud Tech as the Natural Evolution of the Modern Internet

Business Streaming and Cloud Tech as the Natural Evolution of the Modern Internet

Streaming and cloud systems have had a strong position within entertainment for years, but they’re often underestimated in the world of business. Properly utilized, streaming applications in business can offer profound advantages that could revolutionize how we work. With technology and work culture now primed, the 2020s is poised to be the era when promise enters reality.

The Potential of Streaming Tech

The major potential in business streaming and cloud tech comes from its ability to break down barriers of access, extending what is available at work to become available everywhere. This level of convenience would mean much less downtime, more flexible hours, and the potential for a much broader workforce from which to draw. Essentially, the goal of this form of business technology is to mirror the type of instant access available in the entertainment landscape.

One of the biggest examples of this ideal is found in modern online casinos. This technology often involves streaming, but more importantly, it allows instant access through low data costs and high-speed online infrastructure. As an example of this, the Paddy’s Wonder Wheel with bonus rounds loads instantly, is available on mobile and desktop, and works just as well on mobile and desktop devices. Many other aspects of online casinos achieve this feat too, and it’s a standard to which businesses aspire. This is the potential of modern internet in a nutshell, the casino industry just reached this point earlier than most.

Technology and Culture

Opening the doors to getting streaming and cloud services integrated with modern life requires the development of two key features, technology and culture. In technology, it’s the speed that forms the backbone, and this is an area where we’re already well ahead. According to Speed Test, the USA already boasts average internet speeds of 72 Mbps and 182 Mbps for mobile and fixed broadband respectively. This means that moving data between two points can be managed without issue.

Acting as the companion to speed is the challenge faced in UI. Streaming and cloud interfaces from work can mirror perfectly on laptops and desktops, but not mobiles. With smaller screens, mobiles can face issues with more data-heavy applications, which means redesigns can be necessary to keep efficiency high. Though not insurmountable in most cases, this can require significant financial and training investment.

Work culture has long been a hurdle to the implementation of streaming and cloud systems, but the last couple of years have overthrown the status quo. Today, businesses are increasingly embracing the potential of remote work. Noted in a study by Upwork, the predicted number of remote workers in America alone by 2025 will reach around 36.2 million people.

As both workers and employers increasingly experience and appreciate remote work potential, acceptance of streaming and cloud systems will only grow. Even the most technophobic can’t deny the advantages of these systems, so increased use is just a matter of time.

Streaming, cloud systems, and remote work all illustrate a part of business life that will play a significant part in the world of tomorrow. Though we’re only just now beginning to appreciate the advantages of this technology, we’re already seeing that those who refuse to adapt will end up being left behind. This is always where the internet was leading us, and it’s going to be our destination for a long time to come.

Tommy Vercetti

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