Businesses in public places in Manizales have a fresh look

Businesses in public places in Manizales have a fresh look

Lisette Espinosa

No patria / maneuvers

An investment of $ 39 million Institute of Culture and Tourism of Manizales In the maintenance and cleaning of 24 works located in the public space of the city. Of these, six are municipal assets which are assets of cultural significance (BIC), one are national BIC and 17 are personal property that does not belong to the BIC.

The agreement was signed with Manizales Catholic University on March 24, 2020. Implementation was to begin in three days, but due to the pandemic, work began after July 1 and ended on November 30. This is detailed in the Secop Electronic Public Procurement Service.

LA PATRIA toured some of these works on Tuesday and noted that although the change is notorious, it is once again subjected to assaults by citizens, as is the case for the memorial in honor of Ernesto Gutierrez, that even a letter of his name is missing. Likewise, the Founders’ Memorial, located in Los Fundadores Park, once again has graffiti on it.

For Juan David Salazar, professor at the University of Caldas College of Arts and Humanities, advisor to the department for heritage and leader of the farm to preserve and protect the local artistic heritage of the University of Caldas, this type of work should be carried out by specialists in the subject and emphasize the awareness of citizens about the care of heritage, as well as with the authorities To avoid the sabotage that some businesses have been subjected to, especially those located in the Cyprus neighborhood.

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The observation is made because, even though these tasks were performed in previous departments, with the passage of time the interference is lost because some people change them, to the detriment of their original state.

Next, we present before and after five actions for you to present your appreciation. It is important to clarify that in the handover certificate, with the date of the certificate of December 7, 2020, it is indicated that the process is carried out in its diagnosis and implementation by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the Catholic University of Manizales.

In addition, the diagnosis and definition of interventions was performed by architects David Ángelo Jiménez Franco and Carolina Suárez Valencia. The maintenance and cleaning work of the monuments was responsible for Juan Carlos Poritica, Andres Philippe Alzate and John James Soaza Aranjo. While the practice of awareness and resignation from the monuments was led by the architect Felipe Chica Vargas and the publicist Camilo Rios.

From Cyprus

From Cyprus

Technique: Cast bronze

the artist: Luis Alberto Reyes Garcia

Diagnosis: On a tour of LA PATRIA in August 2020, it was evident that this 2000 work had lost part of the window, as well as the layer of green paint that was covering it. In that assessment, a professor at the College of Arts and Humanities said: “It is affected by the weather. There are biological attacks, meaning algae, lichens, ferns and algae growing inside. You can see that no action has been taken to restore them.”

Actual case. The group of professionals from the Catholic University of Manizales complied with the agreement by conducting surface and deep cleaning of the work, as well as removing biological materials. The window is complete and painted, and both the dog and the man have been intervened to improve their condition.

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From Cyprus

The seizure

The seizure

Technique: Molten iron

ArtistAdriana Duque

The diagnosisThe chairs’ position symbolizes the difficulty of dialogue in the failed peace negotiations between the government of then-President Andres Pastrana and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, in San Vicente del Caguan. Last year (2019) he lost a chair and now he lost three. There is sabotage and a few meters away from Cairo International Airport. We don’t know how the pieces were taken. ”That was the remark made by a professional from Caldas University on the same tour of the 2001 work.

Actual case: The staff at Manizales Catholic University replaced the lost chairs, but an attack by humans has been proven again, specifically with aerosols.

The seizure



the artist: Donate the Republic of Cyprus

Diagnosis: Salazar’s analysis of this work was as follows: “There is no painting informing passers-by of what the work is called and the year it was completed or donated. There is a biological and man-made attack through scratches and graffiti. Its original color was masked with a layer of cream-colored paint.”

Actual case: The intervention of the Catholic University of Manizales is noticeable upon compliance with cleaning that removed accumulated dirt, disinfected, removed biological materials and removed graffiti that altered the work. However, as of Tuesday, he had no identification plate.


General Raphael Reyes Prieto

General Raphael Reyes Prieto

TechniqueCasting: bronze

the artist: Gonzalo Quintero

The diagnosis: On that occasion, Salazar explained that this work done in 1962 had been interfered with three years earlier by plastic arts students and teachers in agreement with the ICTM, but over time what was done was lost because “again there is a deterioration caused by the weather. And the person with vandalism on his base and the painting on the sculpture. The sword is missing. “

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Actual case: The intervention of the staff of the Catholic University of Manizales is known, because the base made of Bogotá stone no longer bore graffiti on the walls, and the painting that was part of the general’s arm is no longer noticeable. But the sword is still absent.

General Raphael Reyes Prieto

Francisco de Paula Santander

Francisco de Paula Santander

TechniqueCasting: bronze

author: Constantino Carvajal

Diagnosis: A Francisco sculpture from 1950 is not right-handed. It was noticeably rusted from the weather and had stains. It was painted gray lacquer and its base was written on the walls.

Actual case: The appearance of this work, located at the break of the road on Santander Avenue, specifically on the diagonal of the Los Fundadores Theater. Staff of Manizales Catholic University restored the missing piece and wiped off the varnish that changed its original appearance as well as graffiti on its base.

Francisco de Paula Santander

Monument to Ernesto Gutierrez

The base of the memorial in homage to Ernesto Gutierrez is missing a letter from his surname and you can see that it is not painted.


The Founders’ Memorial, located in Los Fundadores, has graffiti on again.

Izer Hector

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