Campus has already raised the option to vaccinate Erasmus students on health

Campus has already raised the option to vaccinate Erasmus students on health
The main entrance to the Paraninfo building of the University of Zaragoza.

The main entrance to the Paraninfo building of the University of Zaragoza.

The University of Zaragoza has already asked the Ministry of Health From the DGA the possibility of vaccination, for the next academic year, for both students leaving Erasmus and All those students who have a mobility plan. That’s about 1,500 people. “It’s not that we consider them a vulnerable population group, but Yes, it seems like a reasonable request to take into account In the event that the country of origin requires a student to be vaccinated to be able to access it, the university’s vice president for internationalization and cooperation on the public campus, Francisco Beltran, explained this Monday to this newspaper.

There are some students who at the end of August are already going to their Erasmus places or to their residence in Asia or the USA. «AlsoYou’re worried about the fact that a student can leave with one potion set and the second on hold. This can lead to extortion in logistics and the young man himself”, added Beltran.

The issue is already on the table And there was a connection Between the board managed by Sera Repolis and the University of Zaragoza, but for the time being There is no deadline for addressing the problem. “When I raised this in the department I found a receptive environment. I understand that the rapid response, while the vaccination process is going on and there are some plans, we can’t get it. Perhaps it is an issue that is being raised between regions. Anyway, students leave in August, so The sooner we solve potential complications, the betterBeltran noted.

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What they ask of an academic institution is to be there A ‘combined’ approach to address this immunization. “The University of Oviedo and the University of Seville have already decided, with their health boards, to vaccinate their students. Beltran noted that not every one could pass for free. Vice Chancellor insisted that his interestصلح “Not because of the dangers of ‘these guys’ but because of potential problems with second doses and the decisions of the countries of origin.“If we choose, for example, to use Janssen, that situation will be resolved,” Beltran said.

Last Friday, in Cortes Aragon, health committee groups supported the PP initiative to urge the DGA for this vaccination. However, Some time ago, at the University of Zaragoza, regardless of the requests of political parties, they were working on the issue of vaccination of Erasmus students. and students residing abroad. “A couple of months ago, I started getting some news or questions about who should go to the United States. In the case of this country, where they have liberalized the vaccines, they will be the ones who will vaccinate the students,” Beltran explained.

It is possible, depending on the dates of the start of Erasmus or the residence, by age Some students are called in for vaccinations in Spain before their adventure begins. Anyway, they hope on campus that you won’t have to wait so long for answers.

For their part, sources from the DGA’s Department of Health They only noted that vaccinating these young people “complies with a national decision.” They therefore “must be included as a group in the strategy.”

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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