Caser Space in Malaga is hosting a meeting on artificial intelligence and artistic creativity

Caser Space in Malaga is hosting a meeting on artificial intelligence and artistic creativity
he Caser space in Malaga Yesterday, it hosted an event entitled “Art in the Hands of Artificial Intelligence.” Algorithm vs. Creativity Who inspires whom? Cassir points out that artificial intelligence today has begun to play an increasingly important role in the world Artistic creativity. From visual works to music, poetry and design, algorithms produce results that “not only challenge expectations but also rethink fundamental concepts such as creativity, authorship, and talent.” Rafael Moreno, a visual artist using artificial intelligence applied to art, and attendees explored how artificial intelligence is shaping the art of the future. Analysis has been done Practical cases of its use There was controversy over oOpportunities and risks That arise when art and technology meet. During the ceremony, attendees had the opportunity Create your own artwork through artificial intelligencea participatory dynamic that allowed the subject to be visualized through the individual's own experience.

According to Kasser, the conclusions of the event highlighted several key points. Attendees were able to watch the creation of works live, demonstrating the potential of real-time AI. Following this idea, Rafael Moreno emphasized that artificial intelligence is a positive tool for artists, explaining that “artificial intelligence does not make the artist lose his essence and can be Very useful in managing your business“. Moreover, Moreno added, “collaboration with artificial intelligence allows us to do this It allows you to have the freedom of time and money, in a model reminiscent of Renaissance workshops. The event highlighted that the combination of AI and artists is not only viable, but… Opens new creative possibilities.

Espacio Caser, a meeting point for the people of Malaga

Espacio Caser, which opened its doors last spring in Malaga, is the first Main For the company in Spain. As Caser puts it, “It is a meeting point that seeks to provide value and becomes a reference for all Malaga residents, where new trends in society and people’s needs are shared and discussed.” Over the past year, the company reports, it has developed more than 30 events focused on different audiences, with more than 1,000 people participating.

Located on Andalus Street 9, it has an area of ​​700 square meters and more than 20 workers. They add that since its opening, “it has not stopped providing a unique experience to different types of clients, which allows laying the foundations for future interaction with brokers, clients, and other clients.” the owners “Company”.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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