Chalchwapa killer has been on the job for 10 years. Victims fall on social networks

Chalchwapa killer has been on the job for 10 years.  Victims fall on social networks

The director of the Palestinian National Council confirms that the detainee confessed outside the jurisdiction of those who were his assistants. A court hearing is expected to take place today against nine detainees accused of aiding the alleged serial killer Chalchuapa.

With the progress of the investigations with the former police officer Hugo Ernesto Osorio Chavez, whom the authorities described as a “mentally ill in Chalchuapa” due to the number of people he killed, and according to the director of the National Civil Police, Mauricio Ariaza Chicas, a subject who had been committing the murders for 10 years and located his victims via The social networks that then made them reach their homes to assassinate them and bury them in secret cemeteries.

Areaza Chicas said Osorio Chavez separated from the police force a decade and a half ago.

He adds an additional element, as he revealed that after the detainee’s extrajudicial confession (prohibited after peace agreements due to violations by the authorities) he mentioned potential collaborators for committing his crimes.

See: Investigators are looking for more bodies in the grave of psychopath Chalchwapa

The director of the Palestinian National Council confirms that he asked the detainee: Are you alone? And he began talking about collaborators.

“He was fired 15 years ago, and started his operations 10 years ago,” the police chief said, adding that “this psychopath is already being held, and I think the people who collaborated with him, I think 99% of them are already in custody.”

He said: “The behavior of this criminal (Hugo Osorio), when he spoke to him, told us that he got to know the victims through social networks and was looking for a way to approach and even make them see the American dream.”

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The director of the Palestinian National Council confirmed that they had collected information since 2018 about the missing persons in San Salvador and Chalchuapa, and said that in the last place, 19 missing persons appeared. He stressed that “some of the victims may be there.”

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He added that the investigations into this case are complicated because all the victims were transferred to a closed place, which is the home of Osorio Chávez, so the neighbors did not realize that people had been taken there to kill them and bury them there.

Currently, Osorio Chávez is under temporary detention, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, together with the police, is conducting forensic excavations at his home in Calijon Estevez, Chalchuapa.

The authorities found 13 bodies, most of them women and children, or according to the detainee’s extrajudicial statements, there may be 42 victims.

The first four bodies found correspond to Myrna Lima Cruz, 57, Jacqueline Cristina and Alexis, both nicknamed Palomo Lima (Mirna’s children) and Hugo’s brother, Ernesto Osorio Chavez. The identity of the other recovered bodies has not been reported.

Prosecution teams continue to address the scenes and graves of the home of the former Congolese National Police agent.

Aygen Marsh

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