Citizens join the “national march” with a statement urgently calling for a “solution for Haiti in Haiti”

Citizens join the “national march” with a statement urgently calling for a “solution for Haiti in Haiti”

International participation, agility in building Wall between the Dominican Republic and HaitiAnd the Compliance with Dominican labor law and enforcement of immigration regulations has been part of the demands raised by dozens of Dominicans in developing “National March” This Saturday.

During the activity organized by the Duartian Institute with the support of a range of entities and personalities, “National Statement on August 6, 2022“, where the above-mentioned requests and many others are collected in order to search for”A solution to the problem of Haiti in Haiti.”

According to Doartian Institute president Wilson Gomez Ramirez, it is urgent to bring stability to Haiti, as he considered it to have moved from being an “emigration phenomenon” to “a displacement of an invasion and occupation”.

Gomez Ramirez, who was in charge of reading the statement, asked,Faster, more transparent and more efficient construction of the wall Or a technological physical fence on the border.”

He also requested, on behalf of those present, that 80% of Dominican employment be applied to the country’s economic activities, a decree that has been drawn up in labor law.

The third point was ‘Strict and fair’ compliance with immigration regulationsthe “continuous repatriation” of aliens in a situation, followed by the fourth measure calling for the adoption of “all measures and measures so that, in accordance with the facts set out above, the armed forces are taken in a number sufficient as the demands of the present circumstances, To monitor the borders to prevent returnees from returning and new illegal incursions, at the cost and with the rigor that the case requires, until the construction of the wall is completed and effective technological mechanisms are put in place to ensure oversight.”

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The fifth proposes that “the Ministry of Education shall abide by Article 63, No. 13, of the Constitution of the Republic, which states that “in order to train citizens in their awareness of their rights and duties, in all public and private education institutions, education must be provided in the social and civic education, and education of the constitution will be Fundamental rights and guarantees, national values ​​and principles of peaceful coexistence are mandatory.

There have been other allegations of compliance with Section 10, Number 2, of the higher standard which states that “the system of acquisition and transfer of real estate in the frontier area will be subject to specific legal requirements conferring a concession on Dominican property and the national interest,” “the adoption of a highly restrictive policy,” as well as The “meticulous” review and supervision of the civil registry, book of foreigners.

In the end they suggested “Great global diplomatic attack, It includes, broad practice of public and citizen diplomacy, with rigorous written guidance and unity of standards before embassies, parliaments and international organizations, with authentic historical content on Dominican-Haitian relations and the social, economic, demographic and environmental data that underpin our legitimate and just enterprise. claims. “

Aygen Marsh

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