Corona virus: Yodellers dismiss accusation of ‘one of Europe’s worst COVID outbreaks’ World News

Corona virus: Yodellers dismiss accusation of ‘one of Europe’s worst COVID outbreaks’ World News

A Yodeling musician has denied an allegation that the so-called COVID-19 erupted in Europe.

Concerts in Switzerland, Switzerland, Attended by 600 fans at the end of September – and Corona virus The number of cases has doubled to 1,238 since the middle of that month.

With an epidemic of 408 cases per 100,000 people, this is now the worst affected area in Switzerland.

But the cast member of “Forever and Always”, which enforced social distance, but participants were not required to wear a mask, Yodellers considered “pure slander”.

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A yodelling music is blamed for the worst corona virus cluster in Switzerland.
Yodel Music ‘Forever and Always’ has delayed the latter part of its tour due to an epidemic. Image: Jodelmusical

Erwin Pertsey admitted that he tested positively on the other three artists COVID-19 Five days after the performances, however, the organizers said “safety considerations are being observed”.

“At the same time, the restaurants were open all night and they were full on the edge,” he told Sky News. “But it’s easy to blame the external organizer.”

Fellow cast member Maja Keller-Roth agreed that there were other events in Switzerland that weekend where people may have caught the virus.

“We think it’s shameful and sad that the media is dragging us through the mud right now,” he told Sky News.

Pete Heckner, the managing director of the venue, told a Swiss television channel that he seemed to accept some responsibility: “We could not help what happened to this Yodelling team.

“We learned nine days after the show that many in the group had been infected. From there, we could not control the infection chain.”

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Some scientists have suggested that singing could spread the virus through airborne droplets.

A yodelling music is blamed for the worst corona virus cluster in Switzerland.
Erwin Percy (left) did not test positive for the virus, but his three fellow actors did. Image: Jodelmusical

Intensive care wards are being filled at the Swiss hospital, and one of its directors, Francisco Folmi, has called for a warning that the hospital could not be “managed” if the increase in cases continues.

“The explosion in the number of cases in Switzerland is one of the worst of all Europe, “Reto News impressed the public in a video.

“It’s time for you, the people, to react. Wear masks and stop treating.”

He aimed at the local government, saying “the measures have not been clearly formulated until now.”

The local government only announced on Monday that masks would be mandatory for all public and private events of more than 50 people.

Switzerland’s federal system for formulating health policy is called cantons.

A yodelling music is blamed for the worst corona virus cluster in Switzerland.
Maja Keller-Roth said it was a ‘shame’ that music is being blamed for the rising corona virus cases. Image: Jodelmusical

To mark the second wave, the country registered another 3,105 new corona virus cases daily.

Alpine Country has confirmed a total of more than 71,000 cases and more than 1,800 deaths.

Geneva limited public meetings to 100 people this week, and contact details are now required for events of more than 15 people.

Bertrand Levrod, director general of Geneva Hospitals, said: “If we do not get a handle on this, we run the risk of getting into a difficult situation to control.

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“We’re really at a turning point – things could go both ways.”

Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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