COVID-19 in Venezuela: They denounce that the regime only vaccinates Carabobo for people who have “Carnet de la Patria”

COVID-19 in Venezuela: They denounce that the regime only vaccinates Carabobo for people who have “Carnet de la Patria”

Last Wednesday, Venezuelan Representative Angel Alvarez Gil denounced Nicolas Maduro’s regime. The COVID-19 vaccination is refused in Carabobo state for people who do not have the controversial Carnet de la Patria, A social monitoring tool launched in 2017.

“At this time we are receiving reports from various digital portals and from Dr. Jorge Perez [ndr: director de la ONG Médicos Unidos] In the days of vaccination for the elderly in the state of Carabobo They claim to register with the national card, how far do they go?Alvarez Gil, an opposition-controlled member of the National Assembly elected in 2015 and controlled by the opposition, started saying on his Twitter account.

The Venezuelan dictatorship is not aware of the authority of this National Assembly, and it has held elections to form a parallel parliament, which was not recognized by a large part of the international community due to void guarantees during the elections.

“Not in the worst hours of our history. Do they have limits, proportion, or respect,”Identity is our document, not this discriminatory tool, we are in the presence of an unacceptable social separation! Which we must all strongly reject! Vaccinations now! “The deputy of the opposition People’s Will Party added.

In a video distributed on social networks, you can see a moment Dozens of Venezuelans are denied access to a vaccination center established by the Venezuelan regime in Valencia, Carabobo state.

Health workers carry posters during a May Day demonstration in Caracas (EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R./Archivo)
Health workers carry posters during a May Day demonstration in Caracas (EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R./Archivo)

“Only the elderly who are registered in the home card are vaccinated,” says a handwritten sign affixed to the door of the vaccination center.

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According to the Venezuelan newspaper Chronicle, Wen Carabobo police were at the scene, preventing access to people without the “notebook”, including health workers who had been registered to receive the dose.

This is not the first time that Nicolas Maduro’s dictatorship has restricted vaccination against COVID-19 to people who have Carnet de la Patria, which the United Nations High Commissioner, Michelle Bachelet, has denounced as a mechanism of social control over Chávezmo.

At the beginning of April, a vaccination center was established In the Municipal Council of Paruta City for 500 people holding the card. Georgette Topalian, Leader of the Socialist Unified Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and president of the council, said that,An experimental vaccination plan targeting the elderlyFrom the region.

In this first stage, 500 people were selected through the Patria systemHe confessed through his Twitter account.

For her part, the chancellor Alessandra Sanchez He gave more details in the same social network: “Older Barcelona residents who have been selected to receive the vaccine They were chosen through the Patria lottery system. We are here (municipal authorities) We have nothing to do with this choice Of people, “he explained.

Dictator Nicolas Maduro holds "Home card"A tool for the social control of the regime (Reuters / Bayan / Presidencia de Venezuela)
Dictator Nicolas Maduro holds the “Carnet de la patria”, an instrument of the regime’s social control (REUTERS / Handout / Presidencia de Venezuela)

Then he said, “The chosen people received a text message today that read:”Good morning, you have been chosen for the vaccination day by the Carnet de la Patria. Please come to the Las Mercedes City Council in front of the clinic. Please confirm your reservation. ”

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Michelle Bachelet denounces the use of “Carnet de la Patria”

United Nations High Commissioner, Michelle BacheletIn its July 2019 report, it denouncedUse of the Carnet de la Patria for social control and discrimination for political reasons“.

“At the end of 2016, the president announced the creation of the” Carnet de la Patria “card, which is a card through which all programs are delivered from now on, including the new system of direct money transfers to families, he said in his statement. Writing the ex-president of Chile.

The list of beneficiaries of these programs is managed by the local structures of the official agencyAnd not by government institutions. People interviewed reported that they are members of these local structures Monitor the political activity of the beneficiariesHe continued.

And I add: “Discrimination on political grounds and social control through identity cards have a mixed effect on women’s ability to assert their rights.“.

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Aygen Marsh

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