COVID-19 is a blow to mental health

COVID-19 is a blow to mental health

In two months, two years have passed since the epidemic began due to COVID-19 Since then, this event has had countless repercussions on physical and mental health. although vaccination It has been a key tool to reduce the significant increase in infections in the world, and the emergence of new variants (such as delta and omicron) has caused alarms to persist due to the fear of infection.

after December celebrations In Ecuador, there is more and more People infected with the virus According to the Minister of Health, Jimena Ramos, in a media discussion, there will currently be a peak of positive cases of COVID-19 (one of the highest rates since the beginning of the first phase of the epidemic).

psychological challenges

By analyzing how a file works pandemic It can continue to change people’s mental health, psychologist Maria del Pilar Berzoza, Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), states that “what affects the most psychological exhaustion The whole time you’ve been living in a pandemic. Despite the fact that indications of infection receded for several months and vaccinations gave hope that this would continue; Now there is a revival in virus spread, Which generates a lot of fatigue and exhaustion.”

the worry It is another of the most common problems that can occur in any dangerous situation that a person goes through. “It can feel a lot Uncertainty and despair That this never ends. They are concerned about new measures that might be in place that would put their work or the stability of students at risk,” says Berzoza.

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What happens to those who have previously been infected or a loved one has died COVID-19? according to him psychologist Juan Francisco ValquesThey can be even more isolated because of an intense fear of repeating a situation that has affected them negatively and they don’t want it to happen again.

Moreover, because of pandemic Many people have been at risk of developing agoraphobia (an anxiety disorder in which you fear leaving your home to go places or encounter situations that might make you feel helpless).

“There are patients somatization phenomenon, An unconscious defense mechanism, by which physical symptoms are manifested without becoming ill due to emotional discomfort (such as stress and anxiety), Falques explains.

Children and a little socialization

Falkes comments that the pandemic can put minors at risk of not being fully developed Socialization skills and language because even though they are in online classes, they can’t physically interact with more people of their age outside of family circle. “A few months ago I met a four-year-old boy who was afraid to see people on the street because half his life was spent at home due to the epidemic and he had not met anyone other than his family. The expert says that all the consequences on a social level are not yet measurable because we are constantly trying” .


Don’t let the past interrupt your present

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how to deal

Brzoza and Valques Offer some tips to apply in your day to day to protect your mental health during the time the pandemic continues.

  • Focus on doing activities that previously helped you calm down and clear your mind, such as meditation, yoga, drawing, or exercise.
  • If you are afraid to go out to places with large groups of people, little by little you can try to go outdoors or close to your home to feel more safe.
  • Consume information from official or scientific sources. Don’t be fooled by fake news on social media.
  • Discourage conversations that only talk about the pandemic or negative events. Focus your attention on the positive news.
  • Don’t isolate yourself. It is essential to promote self-care with healthy behaviors, but without excessive protection. Talk to a family member or friend about how you’re feeling. Support from your social circle is key.
  • Seek professional psychological support if you feel that you cannot handle your feelings and need professional support. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help.
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“You should have the mental strength to resist as long as the coronavirus lasts. There are a lot of people working towards ending this and for the population to become better. Another day of life, it will be one less day of the pandemic.”Maria del Pilar Berzoza, psychologist.

in numbers

  • 554,436 confirmed cases nationwide, since the start of the pandemic.
  • 4,848 confirmed cases in Guayas, in the last 14 days.
  • 4,268 confirmed cases in Pichincha, in the last 14 days.

Source: Ministry of Public Health.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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