Crypto tycoon Justin Sun reveals he was the anonymous bidder who paid $28 million to fly Jeff Bezos into space

Crypto tycoon Justin Sun reveals he was the anonymous bidder who paid  million to fly Jeff Bezos into space


December 23, 2021 01:31 GMT

Sun will travel to space in 2022 and select “five exceptional men and women” to accompany him.

Justin Sun, founder of cryptocurrency Tron, revealed on Wednesday that he won the auction for a seat to be part of the first. Flight It was moved to the Blue Origin space on July 20, where it was unable to participate due to scheduling problems

pushed the sun 28 million dollars To join Jeff Bezos on the historic journey, and while he was eventually unable to do so, he plans to go into space within the next year.

From blue origin They explained that the entrepreneur’s money was invested in the Blue Origin Club for the Future Foundation, which in turn went to 19 charities to inspire future generations to pursue careers related to astronomy and space.

Blue Origin publishes images of its futuristic orbital base that promises to change the way we live and work in space by 2030

“The Blue Origin initiative to bring more people into space to see Earth as our shared home is an extraordinary initiative. Club for the Future provides a way to use this experience to inspire young people around the world to dream and act guided by dreams of science and technology and space exploration. I felt compelled to help Enhance that vision By my show, said Son, who is also Grenada’s representative at the World Trade Organization and will carry the flag of the Caribbean nation on his space flight.

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In addition, Sun will choose “five exceptional men and women” to accompany him on his journey. Candidates may include a member of the TRON DAO community and others Outstanding leaders in fashion, art, technology, space exploration and entrepreneurship. Details of the nomination process and criteria will be announced in the coming months.

Sun gained worldwide fame thanks to its involvement in the cryptocurrency world, although it also made headlines in 2019 after to win An auction that gave him the right to have lunch with American billionaire Warren Buffett, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Group.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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