Cuban dissident Amnesty International declares Luis Manuel Ottoro Alcondara a “prisoner of conscience”

Cuban dissident Amnesty International declares Luis Manuel Ottoro Alcondara a “prisoner of conscience”
Luis Manuel Odero Alcondara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isitro Movement (MSI).  EFE / Yander Zamora / Archive
Luis Manuel Odero Alcondara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isitro Movement (MSI). EFE / Yander Zamora / Archive

Amnesty International (AI) organization Friday disgruntled artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcondara, a member of the San Isitro Movement (MSI), One of the main opposition groups to the Cuban regime, created by statistics from the arts and culture sector.

In addition, he urged the Cuban regime leader Miguel Diaz-Colonel and other officials on the island to release him immediately and unconditionally.

In a statement, AI recalled that on May 2 the state security agencies Ottoro Alcandara was taken from his home, the headquarters of the MSI, where he was fasting. For an event in mid-April, when Cuban security forces raided his home, they destroyed a dozen works he had exhibited and detained and interrogated him.

According to Qubelex and state media, he was transferred to the emergency room of General Calico Garcia University Hospital in Havana, where his fellow activists denounced him as “abducted”. Other activists and relatives of Otero Alcondara confirmed that he had no telephone access and that only a few close relatives could see him.

“Louis Manuel should not be in government custody another day,” said Erica Guevara-Rosas, director of Amnesty International in the United States.

The artist “lost his freedom only for expressing himself quietly and should be released immediately and unconditionally,” he added.

Miguel Thias-Colonel.  Photo: Aerial Le Royro / ACN via REUTERS
Miguel Thias-Colonel. Photo: Aerial Le Royro / ACN via REUTERS

“It is time for the Cuban authorities to recognize that all independent voices in the country cannot be silenced,” Guevara-Rosas said.

In addition, the organization’s representative Louis Manuel “You Are Not Alone: ​​Many in the international community support your work as a human rights defender and freedom of expression artist.”.

Prohibited visits

According to information obtained by AI, Ottoro was in Alcandara Hospital for 3 weeks under the supervision or control of regime security officers and for 3 weeks with the most prohibited visits from his immediate family.

It has been pointed out that he does not seem to have access to his phone or the outside world, and that when he loses his freedom he must receive the medical care he desires and occasional visits from his family and friends. Do not be tortured or subjected to any other form of abuse, and consult a lawyer of your choice.

Louis Manuel Alcondara Cuba

Amnesty International recalled that Luis Manuel had previously described Odero Alcondara as a prisoner of conscience who was detained only for “quietly exercising his freedom of expression.” “Luis Manuel Odero has been detained only for quietly expressing his views. Therefore, I urge you to guarantee his immediate and unconditional release.“The AI ​​demanded the Cuban dictator.

Artist and other members of the San Isitro Movement, associates and journalists, “Under constant and terrifying surveillanceThe Amnesty International’s digital verification was documented by corps and investigators in December 2020.

Since the MSI leader was admitted on May 2, he has only been seen in a few videos recorded at the hospital and released by the state media. The last one was released in the last hour. This object, edited and a few seconds long, shows the artist receiving a visit from one of the few relatives who was allowed to enter the hospital room where he was placed against his will.

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With information from EFE

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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